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Lin's POV

I didn't know how to react. I wasn't even certain if she rejected me at this point. I sat back on the bed. Thinking. Replaying the night over and over in my head. After fifteen minutes, I got up and walked out to the living room. Pippa sat on the couch, hugging her legs again. A scene I was all too familiar with.

"I'm sorry." I sighed as I sat on the couch next to her.

"We talked about this." She frowned.

"I know we did." I admitted. "But please hear me out." I sighed. "I love you Pippa. With everything I have. I just want to make you mine forever. Not be at the title we are now. I love you so much that words can't even describe most of the time." I explained.

She just watched me. Her eyes staring at me as if I was speaking another language.

"Please say something..." I frowned.

"I love you too. But I just.. I don't want any of that." She sighed. "I know you want to marry me, and I love you enough to do that. I really do. I just... I'm terrified if I say yes to marrying you.... What if it happens again?" She broke down crying on the spot. She wasn't afraid of marrying me... She was afraid of accepting my marriage proposal and then me dying afterwards...

"Pippa... I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I whispered while pulling her into a hug. "How about this. Instead of saying yes to a marriage proposal... Yes to eloping?" I suggested. "We go to the court house and bam. Married." I smiled.

"We can do that?" She nervously asked. "My parents would kill me. But understand." She frowned at me.

"I think we so can." I chuckled.

Pippa's POV

The next few weeks were rocky. We had gotten married, but I kept my last name for the sake of everyone literally losing their shit. Mostly my parents. Lin's parents were understanding and accepting. They immediately welcomed me into the family and began to shower Scarlett with attention.

"It's so lovely to have a granddaughter." Lin's mother smiled.

"But I gave you a grandson." Lin groaned.

"Still not as fun as a granddaughter." She chuckled. "We can go shopping together!" She smiled at Scarlett.

"I don't like shopping!" Scarlett giggled.

Everyone let out a small laugh at how enthusiastic she was about not shopping. It was adorable.

Eventually, I did tell my parents. My mother was happy that I was finally married, my father... Not so much. But he was glad that I married the man who is the father of Scarlett. I just hoped he would come around.

"How much longer?" Scarlett whined while I brushed through her hair.

"Just a bit longer. If you want, we could always cut it." I offered. It was incredibly long already.

"No! I like it." She growled.

"Okay but we need to get it trimmed soon. The ends aren't good." I showed her the ends of her hair and she huffed.

"That's fine." She grumbled. "Lao ye likes my hair." She muttered. Of course my father would be swaying her decision on cutting her hair. I let out a groan, putting the brush down.

"You're done. Go play." I sighed. She quickly got up and ran to her room. I saw Lin watching me from across the couch.

"She's getting sassy." He chuckled.

"She's beginning to get on my last nerve." I sighed. "My father has been swaying every single one of her decisions lately. Don't cut your hair, do good in school, become a doctor Scarlett." I frowned.

"Whoa." Lin gasped.

"He's becoming my yeye." I sighed.

"Isn't it...?" He frowned.

"No." I answered.

"Can't you talk to him?" He asked.

"Barely. He's becoming distant. Just like yeye." I explained. "Oh well. He'll have to accept it sooner or later." I shrugged.

Lin's POV

A few weeks had gone by, the show I helped with opened without any major problems. Which was great. When I got home, everything was even better. Scarlett was already asleep and it was just quiet. Peace and quiet.

The next morning Pippa was pacing in the room, muttering nonsense under her breath.

"You're up early." I yawned.

"Just trying to put everything together." She mumbled.

"Put what together?" I asked.

"Scarlett's birthday is coming up. I need to make sure everything is perfect." She continued to mutter. I got up and pulled her back into bed.

"Trust me. You just need to sleep a little more is all. I'll handle her birthday." I smiled. "It'll be fun." I winked.

"I hope so." She sighed.

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