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Lin's POV

It had been a few months with this new kitten, and Scarlett had dressed it up in everything under the moon. But the kitten seemed to enjoy her company. But more so enjoyed my company. The thing kept following me around and just scaring me every chance it got.

"Stop doing that!" I shouted at the wrinkly thing. I had turned around to open the fridge and when I turned back, he was sitting on the table staring at me.

"Oh Lin, just love the cat. He absolutely adores you." Pippa laughed from the living room.

"I can't. I can't even touch it. I'm terrified." I shuttered.

"He feels like peaches! Be nice!" She warned. I hurried out of the kitchen and sat next to Pip on the couch. Of course the kitten followed, but this time plopped himself down on Pip's lap. "He's just a cuddle bug." Pippa smiled while rubbing the cat's ears.

"No thank you." I frowned. It was a terrifying sight to see really. A wrinkly, naked cat just sitting there. Staring at you. Right into your soul.

"So... It's been a while now." Pippa smiled.

"I know. Scary at the same time." I whispered.

"Should we tell Scarlett?" She frowned.

"I mean... She seemed really excited about the kitten... Maybe she'll be excited for a baby." I smiled. "Especially since she's much older. I think she'll be happy." I laughed.

"I hope I don't go through the same thing again... I can't handle that." She sighed.

"What happened last time?" I asked.

"I almost died last time. I bled so much. Thank god they stopped it. But... I just.. I don't know." She frowned. "I have hope this time around. Like this one... It won't be that bad."

"Good. And who knows? Maybe it'll be a boy." I smirked.

We talked a little while longer. Enjoying each other's company. I heard a loud thud from outside, which caused Pippa to jump.

"What was that?" She frowned.

"No idea... I'll go see if it was anything we should worry about." I muttered while getting up. I'll admit, I was a little scared, but when I opened the door to peek, I wasn't anymore.

"Just put it here for now. Then go get the keys please..." I saw two women standing in the hall.

"Sorry! You told me to grab a lot of things so I kinda forgot." The taller one groaned. Her eyes met mine and her expression turned fro frustrated to a smile. "Hello."

"Hi." I smiled.

"Oh my gosh... We're so sorry if we were being too loud... Moving is quite stressful." The shorter woman nervously chuckled.

"It's quite alright. We just moved here a few months ago actually." I smiled.

"Who is it?" I jumped to see Pippa hiding behind the door.

"New neighbors." I laughed. I took a step out and shook their hands. "Lin."

"Maria." The shorter one smiled.

"Abi." The taller one introduced. "I'm gonna go get the keys." She quickly ran down the hall and disappeared into the elevator.

"Again... Sorry about the noise. My wife is a little forgetful." Maria chuckled.

"It's alright. I know exactly what that's like." Pip laughed while looking at me.

"Guilty." I smirked.

"Mommy!" I watched Pip snap her head around to see a little kid come running up the hall with our Scarlett trailing behind her. "I made a friend on the bus! She lives here too!" The little girl grinned.

"Hi mommy." Scarlett smiled while hugging Pip.

"Made a friend already I see. Told you you wouldn't have to worry about her." Abi smiled.

"I will still worry." Maria laughed.

"Can Bea come and play?" Scarlett asked.

"You have homework honey." I frowned.

"We did it on the bus!" The two smiled in unison. I smiled at the two kids still talking about nonsense. Pippa looked thrilled to have another family with a kid in the complex.

"Scarlett, maybe after dance class she can play." Pippa finally answered.

"Oh... I forgot." She giggled.

"Can I go with her?!" Bea gasped.

"No, you have to stay here. When she gets home you guys can play." Maria sighed.

"So enthusiastic." Abi rolled her eyes. "Come on. You can help mummy with man work." She smirked.

"I'm big and strong!" Bea gasped. I chuckled at their enthusiasm and brought myself back inside. I was glad to have neighbors that seemed nice now.

After a few hours we had two children and the parents over for dinner while they played.

"So what do you two do?" Pippa asked.

"I have my own firm in the city." Maria smiled. "Nothing too prestigious. Just contract and corporate law." She chuckled.

"I work for the government." Abi smiled. "And that's all I'm allowed to say." She chuckled.

"Or you'd have to kill us?" I joked.

"Yes. Very much so." Abi said with a serious face. Now I was scared of her.

"Mummy!!! Scarlett has an alien!" I looked over to see Bea holding Dobby up to her face.

"That's not an alien." Abi sighed.

"Honey put the cat down." Maria chuckled. "The poor thing looks like he's had enough." She added.

"Mommy, when is dessert?" Scarlett whispered to Pippa.

"Soon." She answered.

"Kids." I chuckled.

"They definitely keep you on your toes." Abi laughed.

"So.. Do you tell your daughter you work for Santa?" Pippa asked Abi.

"That's brilliant. I'm telling her that from now on." Abi smiled and lightly hit Maria's arm.

"I'm going to be honest, I'm so glad that you guys are our neighbors. Just because of your daughter. Bea has been struggling with finding friends." Maria smiled.

"Scarlett too. Maybe they'll be best friends now." I smiled at her. They were extremely nice people. Maybe they would stick around.

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