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***A/N: I have a new book out called 'You Know Nothing' and I would really appreciate it if you all would give it a read! I hope you enjoy this chapter and the new book!!****

Lin's POV

"And then I told her to leave me alone! But she didn't listen." Scarlett cried. I watched the little tot cry to Pippa about her day at school. Sounds like she had a really tough day.

"Did you talk to a teacher?" Pippa frowned.

"Mhm." She sniffed. "They didn't do anything." She frowned. I was shocked. No one did anything to help. You would think you had to do something.

"Scarlett, I'm gonna tell you something I wished people told me." Pippa frowned. "Teachers aren't going to really do anything. I'd hate to tell you this. I really do. But what you need to do now, is not let it get to you. If they continue, let them get in trouble for being annoying on their own. I know it's hard, but can you do that for me?" She whispered.

"Yes mommy." She sniffed.

"Why would you tell her that?" I whispered to her.

"Public school is brutal. Didn't you go to public school?" She frowned. She had a point.

"Maybe we should get her into a private school... That way she won't have problems." I mumbled.

"With what money genius?" Pippa scoffed while opening the fridge. "I only make so much." She mumbled while pulling out a few things.

"I'll pay for it. She is my kid too. She deserves the best education and well, obviously she's not going to get that at the school she's in now." I huffed. Pippa just shrugged her shoulders and continued to fix whatever she was making.

I watched Scarlett later on, seeing her breeze through her homework and her reading. I was amazed with how smart she was. She obviously took after her mother when it came to all of this. Yes, I was a good kid academically, but she was a genius.

When it came time for bed, I watched as Pippa read Scarlett a story before falling asleep. I smiled as Pippa continued to read the children's book to her. I wondered why she would read such a low level book at night.

"Why do you read that book to her?" I asked quietly.

"She asks every night for the same story. I don't want to fight her on it." She shrugged while shutting Scarlett's door. I waited until both of us were in the bedroom before staring at her again. "What?" She asked.

"I know it's a lot to ask right now... But I just want to put the thought into your head.." I started.

"What thought?" She hesitated.

"Why don't we move into a new place? I bigger one. That way, we wouldn't be spending nights like this... And we could just be together all the time." I suggested.

"I can't uproot Scarlett.." She frowned.

"We were already talking about private school Pip... It wouldn't matter where we lived." I added. She looked down at the bed and back at me. "It's just something to think about now..." I held my hands up in defense. I didn't want to start a fight.

"I know... I... I'll think about it. But right now, it's just something I really don't want to think about right now." She sighed.

"Then what do you want to think about?" I asked.

"I don't want to think." She admitted. "I want to finally find a place in my life where I don't have to think Lin." She frowned. "But I can't. I have Scarlett to worry about and my own life to try and figure out." She sniffed.

"Think about what?" I asked.

"Life." She frowned at me.

Pippa's POV

Lin had left since I asked to be alone. I sat in bed just staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep to over take me. I looked over at the clock, seeing that it was only three in the morning. I let out a sigh, waiting for something. But nothing was going to happen. I was going to be up in three hours to get Scarlett ready for school. I didn't like this whole thing. Not sleeping.

My alarm went off at six, and I let out a frustrated groan. I shut off the annoying noise and pushed myself out of bed. I felt incredibly dizzy, but I ignored it. I made my way out to the living room and felt the room start turning on me. Why did life hate me this much?

"Mommy?" I heard Scarlett's little voice.

"Call daddy." I whispered.

I didn't remember much, but when I came to, I was laying in a hospital bed with the slight beeping coming from the left of me. I didn't know what had happened, but I knew I didn't want it to happen again.

"Hey.." I looked over and saw Lin standing in the corner of the room. He had his phone pressed to his ear. "Yeah, I spoke to the nurse and doctor. They said that everything was going to be fine. She was just dehydrated and at the brink of exhaustion." He was a blurry image for a while too. I didn't have time to even put on my glasses before anything. "I'll call when I have more information alright? Tell Scarlett I'll be home soon." I heard it get quiet, then heard him shuffle closer to the bed.

"What time is it?" I muttered quietly.

"Around noon." He whispered. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Terrible. How is Scarlett?" I asked.

"A bit shaken up, but she'll be okay." He chuckled. "You had everyone worried."

"I know." I forced my eyes shut, feeling a complete migraine coming on now.

"How long has it been since you slept?" He asked.

"A few days. I think." I shrugged. "Maybe a week?" I frowned. I looked back at him, still seeing the blurry face. I tried to squint my eyes, but still a blurry image.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I didn't have time to put in my contacts or grab my glasses. Kinda sitting blind here." I chuckled. I heard him laugh and start to get up. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

"To get your glasses." He smiled.

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