Chapter 02

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Hyejin's pupils shook in terror as her eyes met with the boy who looked younger than her. He was probably around Seungmin's age but it was dark and he was wearing a cap which was casting a shadow on his face so she couldn't see how he looked. Her throat went dry and the only thing she could think of was to run.

Her feet shifted and she turned to leave but he was faster than her. She couldn't even hear his footsteps but his knife was already held against her neck. A sharp gasp left past her lips as he gripped onto her hand tightly behind her back.

"One move and your hand will break. Another and your throat will slit."

Hyejin didn't know how to react. She had filmed several movies revolving murder before but to be faced with one in real life had made her mind blank. She was too tensed and her heart pondered too loudly that her head ached.

Both of their heads turned when they heard chattering heading towards their way. Hyejin was glad that she might be saved and she was about to scream for help when the other hissed. That made her immediately shut her mouth because she knew she might be killed even before the passerby arrive.

"Make a sound and you are dead."

He let go of her hand and swiftly held her wrist. He kept the knife and pulled her along with him until their backs disappeared from the alley.


The place was small but homey. It didn't feel like a murder's house but the display of weapons said otherwise. Hyejin nervously sat in her chair that she was tied to. The ropes were too tight and her body felt squashed but she couldn't complain. Her life was more important. She wished she knew food should've come in second.

She wanted to cry. She should've listened to Lee Know and went back home. Not to mention, she had forgotten her phone in the car. Now, she was stuck in a house with a boy who had killed a man right before her eyes.

"I'm doomed," she cried out and instantly stopped when the door slammed open.

"Shut up," he ordered sternly.

She blinked her eyes as she scanned the boy entering the room.

His hair was black and it still seemed to be wet from the shower he just took to probably wash off the blood that splattered onto him. The bangs were falling until his eyes which only held coldness. The mole under his eye seemed to be the mark which could help one identify him. His nose was elegantly delicate and his lips were pink and soft that he would taste like strawberries. He looked like a pretty doll, a model instead of a murderer.

She felt like she had seen him before.

"Done staring?" he asked as he placed the towel on top of the table before heading towards her.

"Well, it's not a crime to appreciate art."

He chuckled softly and it sure sounded nice. Hyejin wished he wasn't a murderer who was going to probably kill her soon for seeing something she shouldn't. He would fit the new role that the director was searching for.

"You got humour. So, tell me how you want to die?"


Hyejin was trying to convince herself that she didn't hear what she just heard. She bit her bottom lip as she watched him stand up. He stood in the middle and turned to face her.

"Just pick a way you wish to die. Whether you want to hang yourself or drink poison, that's up to you too."

"You are seriously asking me how I want to die?"

"If not? You saw something you shouldn't. Obviously you need to die."

"It's not my fault that I have eyes! Besides it's a public area! You do not own the place!" Hyejin argued. She gulped down and knew she did a dreadful mistake when she noticed how his face darkened. "I-I mean..."

The boy was about to say something when his phone rang. He took it out to check and his face immediately softened. He glanced at Hyejin and his eyes turned cold again.

"Decide while I take this call," he ordered and left the room.

Hyejin was thankful towards the person who called but it also pissed her off. Here, she was getting killed and someone on the other end of the call was making that kid feel soft and fluffy. She could hear him chuckle lightly and she guessed it must be his lover which annoyed her even more as Seungmin's face appeared in her head.

She let out a sigh. She knew that boy will surely kill her so she studied the weapons and made her decision.


The boy came back after a short call and he raised his eyebrow at her, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Have you decided?"

Hyejin didn't know what to say and the words just left past her mouth.

"Gun but I will shoot myself."

"Fair enough," He took three firearms and placed them on the floor just an inch away from her feet. "You can select whichever you like. One of them doesn't have any bullet inserted. If you are lucky, you might not die."

Hyejin looked at him.

"Are you giving me a chance?"

"It's whether your death god wishes to see you tonight or not," he grinned. He was finding it amusing. Hyejin could sense it. Those eyes revealed how people had died by his own hands. Seeing someone dying was entertaining for him to see. "Choose."

Hyejin wetted her lips and observed the guns that were presented to her. One was gold plated, too luxurious to be used. Two seemed way too new that it must had been recently purchased. Last one was extremely worn out which showed that he had used it many times.

'Think,' she told herself. She needed to make the right choice. She then bobbed her head to the last one which made the boy smirk.

"You sure?" he asked and Hyejin nodded without any hesitation. "How strange," he sang, "People normally chose the other two."

She wondered if she had chosen the wrong gun but she shook the feeling off.

He walked around to stand behind her back and snapped the penknife open. She didn't know where he had been hiding it. Surely, under his clothes, his body must be strapped with weapons. He cut the ropes and leaned in towards her ear.

"Don't think about running," he whispered and it sent shivers down her spine.

Hyejin then stood up. The boy picked her gun of choice for her. She took it and placed it against her temple. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed her saliva thickly.


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