Chapter 15

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Hyejin's eyes widened and she dropped the cup. She ran to Jeongin's room and saw that Hyunjin was already there with the door opened.

He was just standing there instead of going inside. She somewhat had a bad feeling but she hoped it was just a feeling.

"Hyunjin, what happened?"

Hyejin looked inside and covered her mouth. She turned away from the sight and couldn't bring herself to look for more than a minute. Lee Know and Seungmin also came running to know what had happened.

Seungmin gritted his teeth and entered the room, pushing Hyunjin aside. He decided to call the police for help while Hyunjin was too lost to think. He was blaming himself for what had happened and he couldn't help but feel guilty because everything was his fault. He took heavy steps towards Jeongin and held his hands.

Hyunjin wailed loudly and everyone could feel his pain.


Lee Know and Seungmin took care of all the funeral matters. After that night, Hyunjin had disappeared. He seemed to have sneaked out early in the morning before anyone realised it. Hyejin was worried about him. She hoped he was not in trouble or in pain without no one besides him.

She felt something cold against her cheeks and she glanced to find Lee Know holding a water bottle. She took and drank it to clench her thirst as well as wake herself up.

"Are you really okay?"

There was nothing to distract her. Turning the television on would only make the matters worse as the news were still fresh. All her drama and commercial contracts were nulled after her scandal. She had nothing to do and Lee Know could tell.

"But you have been thinking about that piece of trash again. Did... did what happened to Jeongin reminded you of him?" he asked.

"Hyunjin... he has no one by his side. Even after he stabbed my boyfriend- you know I hated that dude I mean like even you hated that dude but anyways, his hands were shaking and he even dropped his knife when he ran away. He visited his grave yearly and brought flowers for him. He sat there for the entire day and cried. He was guilty of what he had done but he never had anyone to tell his secrets to relief his guilt. The worst thing was that the reason why he was killing people is now gone. He didn't manage to get anything out of it."

Hyejin let out a sigh and intertwined her fingers together.

"I want to find him," she confessed. "I can't even sleep after taking my pills at night."

Lee Know smiled and nodded his head.

"Then, we shall become Sherlock Holmes."

"Are you being serious?"

"I was just trying to lighten up the mood."

"Well, it kinda worked."


"This is where he lives?" Lee Know inquired when they arrived at the flat that Hyunjin lived. Hyejin nodded and got out of the car.

The two went up to the eighth floor and Hyejin noticed that the door to Hyunjin's apartment was left ajar. She opened it wider and gulped upon seeing the mess inside. Everything was ruined and flipped upside down or smashed into pieces.

"This is insane," Lee Know commented as they walked around the place, trying to find some hints. As they were doing so, Hyejin spotted something under the couch. She knelt down and reached for it. When Lee Know saw her doing that, he quickly knelt down to get it for her in case it was something harmful.

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