Chapter 06

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Hyejin believed that they were finally going to meet his lover. Hyunjin dropped by a floral shop and got a bouquet of flowers then he went to the convenience store to buy yoghurt which she still couldn't figure out why.

Hyejin stayed back at the counter to buy sleeping pills. She managed to bring her wallet along so that she could purchase anything on the way.

She felt her energy draining away from the lack of sleep and she needed some but couldn't without the help of the pills. She did recall Lee Know telling her not to take any pills besides the prescribed ones. There wasn't much of a choice so she just got the one she found.

"Aren't you coming?" Hyunjin called out and Hyejin quickly replied that she was after paying.


The last stop was definitely not something that would have come to Hyejin's mind. They were at the hospital and apparently, they were walking towards a room that the boy must had memorised by hard.

Hyunjin turned back at Hyejin for a second.

"Don't cause trouble."

"This is hospital. Why would I cause trouble? Plus I'm supposed to be the one telling you that!"

Hyunjin scoffed and slid the door open, entering with a warm smile which pissed Hyejin off. It's a rare chance to see him smile like that so she guessed that the patient must be the person who had been calling him all this while.

Hyejin entered and spotted a young boy on the bed, using his phone. When their presence was noticed, he placed his phone down and his lips stretched into a huge grin.

"Hyung, you came!" His eyes then travelled to Hyejin. He had his mouth hanging a bit and didn't seem to plan on closing them because he was not aware of his own actions.

"Who's she, hyung?"

"Hyejin," Hyunjin answered as he placed the things he had bought on the side desk.

"Hyejin?! As in the actress, Lee Hyejin?!"

His eyes grew bigger and his mouth opened wider. He covered his mouth and wanted to get down the bed but due to circumstances, he couldn't so he brought his hands out to her.

She giggled and walked towards him, shaking his hands. The way the other squealed was too adorable that Hyejin couldn't help but laugh.

"It's nice to meet you..."

"Jeongin!" he continued for her, "Yang Jeongin."

"Alright, Jeongin. It's really wonderful to meet you."

"Same here! Can I call you noona? You are really pretty! I'm your fan! I've watched every single movie of yours," Jeongin started shooting compliments at Hyejin.

Her actress mode went on. She just smiled and acted modest but on the inside, she was feeling super smug about it. She glanced at Hyunjin who was busy cleaning the place and when he saw her staring, she smirked with her eyebrow raised.

The latter just rolled his eyes and headed over to stand beside Jeongin. He ruffled his hair to get his attention.

"Am I invisible? Do you like her that much?"


Jeongin didn't even bother to lie and Hyunjin was speechless at him while Hyejin bursted out laughing.

"This kid!" Hyunjin pulled the boy into a tight hug.

"Hyung, I'm a patient!" Jeongin reminded with a sly smile but Hyunjin was not letting him get away with it.

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