Chapter 13

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"This place is built in with strong security. How did he managed to come in?" Hyejin questioned to no one in specific but Chris smirked.

"It's nice to meet you again, Hyeyjin," he greeted mockingly. "And I am an assassin just like that manager of yours so I know my ways in and out."

Hyejin was pulled to stand behind Hyunjin who held a gun in his hand. The actress still couldn't figure out where the boy was hiding all those weapons. He held it up just in the time as Chris did. With guns aimed at each other, they held each other's gazes.

"What brought you here? I believe you already gave me enough lesson," Hyunjin growled.

"Not enough for you to realise that you should come back to our association. Maybe I should start taking hostages," he chuckled as he eyed on Hyejin.

Hyunjin gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on Hyejin's wrist. Hyejin could tell that Hyunjin was fearful of Chris. She couldn't imagine what Chris could do if he was provoked.

"What do you want?"

"Simple," Chris threw the brown envelope that he had been holding all this while onto the table nearby. Hyunjin looked at it and then back at Chris.

"He is someone we need to get rid of and you should do it. That boy had been trying to find out about our association and should be eliminated. We are not really sure about the reason behind his bravery but we believe he might be someone you know."

Hyunjin froze. It was impossible because he barely knew anyone. Ever since he joined the association, he cut ties with everyone. He couldn't think of anyone who would be crazy enough to try and find out about something as dangerous as this.

"I don't have much time so I'm only here to deliver that message. Even if you don't kill him, someone else will," Chris announced and was about to leave when he remembered something. He turned around and smiled, "You know... us assassins are weak when we start to have more things to lose. You may be able to protect one but the other might be in danger."

Hyunjin immediately knew he was referring to Jeongin.


Chris held his finger up and turned back slightly because he remembered something. He pointed at Hyejin.

"You are going to lose something important to you."

With that, Chris left while laughing his head off. Hyunjin rushed to grab the envelope that Chris and left. He ripped it off and photographs fell down. His eyes widened in shock and his legs felt so weak that he immediately dropped onto the floor.

Hyejin held his arms to support him. Her eyes travelled to the photographs and those turned out to be of Seungmin. She could feel him shaking and she placed his head on her shoulder as she embraced him.

"We will figure something. Don't worry," she tried to convince him.


Hyejin tried to make something to eat and managed to find dinner that Lee Know had prepared for them on the table. She fished her phone out and checked the time. The boy was late. He had never come back this late before unless she was with him.

Plus, he hadn't even read any of the messages that she had sent. She hoped nothing was wrong and eyed at Hyunjin whose eyes were dead as he studied the pictures of his old friend.

Knowing that he needed someone to be by his side, Hyejin heated the food up and went to sit beside him on the couch. She turned the television on and just sat there without saying anything. However, the silence was too heavy for her to bear.

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