Chapter 07

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The morning came with Hyejin finishing all the stories stored in Hyunjin's phone. She never thought she was this dumb until now because only when Hyunjin was awake, she remembered that she could've used the phone to contact Lee Know and escaped without anyone realising.

Hyunjin seemed to have realised her thoughts and laughed which caught Hyejin's attention. When she looked at him, he mouthed 'idiot' and she wanted to throw a punch at him but they were at a hospital and Jeongin was still asleep.


They left after bidding Jeongin goodbye when he woke up. The boy told Hyejin to visit again. Hyunjin asked if he was invincible and Jeongin nodded which led to Hyunjin rumbling angrily about how he took care of him and this was what he got in return.

The two headed home and Hyejin was starting to feel heavy. She didn't know why but her body was becoming difficult to drag and she felt so tired. She knew she was going very slowly but Hyunjin didn't seem to have noticed her getting left behind.

He had already crossed the road while Hyejin was still at the other end. She looked up and the place was getting blurry. She started crossing the road and she blinked as much as she could to get a clearer vision.

She stood in the middle as she couldn't bring her body to move. She turned and saw a car racing towards her at a great speed. She wanted to run away but she couldn't even bring herself to move an inch.

In the end, she blacked out and the only thing she heard was Hyunjin calling out her name.


Hyejin found herself in a dark room which was weird because she definitely did not go to such a place. She looked around and decided to find a light source. She started walking and the wooden floor creaked at every step of hers. She tried to feel the wall and when she realised that it was a switch, she turned it on.

The lights turned on and she froze as she could recognise the place. She felt something touching her leg. She gulped down and looked at the hand that was gripping onto her ankle.

Her eyes travelled to the boy who was laying on top of a pool of his own blood. He looked up at her and she flinched when their eyes met.

"How could you, Hae-in?"


Hyejin sat up from whatever she was sleeping on and was breaking out in cold sweat. She observed the place and let out a sigh in relief when she realised that she was back in Hyunjin's place. She then drew her eyebrows to the middle and pressed her lips together in disappointment.

"Why should I be relief to be at a murderer's place?"

"At least, you didn't die from falling asleep in the middle of the road and get your body rolled over by cars."

Hyejin slightly jumped and looked at the boy who was holding a cup and coming towards her. He sat down beside her and passed her the cup which warms her up the moment she held it.

"Falling asleep?" she thought to herself. She hummed as she took a sip of hot chocolate, recalling how she fell asleep in the middle of the road because of those stupid pills and got cursed by the person driving the car. Then, she remembered strangling Hyunjin's neck as he carried her on his back. She also wiped her drool on his clothes.

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