Chapter 10

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Hyejin noticed the door to the guest room was left ajar. They had left the hospital and arrived back to their penthouse early in the morning. It was obvious that Hyunjin should not be moving around after getting such a deep cut but the latter didn't feel safe in the hospital which was open to public even though Hyejin had already told him that it was owned by her friend's dad.

She peeked through the door and spotted Hyunjin struggling to wear a tie. She opened the door and Hyunjn flinched. She walked over and grabbed the tie.

Hyunjin watched Hyejin knot a tie for him, she pulled the tie up and smiled when her eyes travelled up to meet his. He smiled back and tucked her hair being her ear.

"Let's go. I don't want to be late for the shooting."

He nodded his head and waited for her to pick her purse. The two walked out of the door but was halted by Lee Know who blocked the entrance. He had a disapproved look on his face as he observed Hyunjin from head to toe. He pulled his finger out and pointed at Hyunjin.

"You are her manager. Not a boyfriend," he reminded and then glared at Hyejin. "I worked super hard to make you an actress so do not let my efforts drop down the drain."

"Don't worry about me. You know how much I don't want to lose what I currently have," she beamed and hooked her arms with Hyunjin's. "It's just that I have fallen in love."

Lee Know squeaked and wanted to pull his hair out in frustration but Hyejin just ignored him and dragged Hyunjin along with her.


"Are we seriously going to act like lovers?" Hyunjin asked when they were out of Lee Know's sight who was getting the car ready.

"Only in front of him. It's easier that way. Do you think he would let you in if I told him you are my kidnapper?"

Hyunjin choked on the air and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I forgot about that part," he chuckled sheepishly.

"Are you being serious now? Anyways, just act along. You are my manager in the eyes of the public."

Hyunjin hummed and when Lee Know was in their sight, Hyejin ran to him. Lee Know scolded her for running when she almost tripped. The actress just grinned. Hyunjin could tell from their actions that they were close even though he didn't know what their relationship is. They seemed to be more like lovers than friends.

'What is this weird feeling that I'm having?' he asked himself as he unknowingly glared at Lee Know.

"Why is that boy of yours glaring at me like he's going to kill me the moment I touch a strand of your hair?" Lee Know stared back and questioned Hyejin. She hummed in question and looked at Hyunjin who instantly smiled at her.

"No, he isn't. I bet it's just your imagination."

She tapped his shoulder and called Hyunjin to sit the car. The boy rushed over to Hyejin immediately and did exactly as told. Lee Know was a quite suspicious about him but he just shrugged it off and went inside as well.


They arrived at the set and Hyejin skipped away to greet others. Hyunjin had to stay beside Lee Know because he wasn't allowed to be off his sight. He watched people go by, making sure to bow and greet Lee Know as they passed by. He raised his eyebrow, wondering what exactly is Lee Know.

"Why are you staring at me so much? Fallen for me?" Lee Know smirked and at that very moment, Hyunjin knew he was a really weird human whom he should not be acquainted with. He backed away a bit and Lee Know grabbed his arm, pulling him close. "Don't even think about escaping."

"I'm only here because Hyejin asked me to."

"Did you just call her by her name? She's older than you. Have some respect. Call her noona."


"This kid!"

"Are you bullying my Hyunjin?"

Hyejin's voice interrupted them and Lee Know looked at her in disbelief while Hyunjin was having a mini heart attack by the way she called him hers.

"I know you two are just pretending," Lee Know scoffed.

Hyejin gently held Hyunjin's arm and looked at the other. She pressed her cheek against his arm and blinked her eyes.

Lee Know gasped and tried to pull the two away.

"Are you crazy?! What if people see that?!"

"You said we are just pretending."

"Yeah but you didn't have to do that to prove it to me. Okay, I was wrong. You always win. Happy?"

"Very," she grinned and then looked at Hyunjin who smiled at her when their eyes met. "I want to get a drink. My fans had sent some over so I want to collect. I should post on my insta too and thank them for their support."

"That's a good idea. I'll-"

"My manager will follow me."


Hyejin giggled and pulled Hyunjin along again. Lee Know didn't manage to catch them and had to just watch their backs slowly disappearing.

"What do I do with her?!"


Hyejin hummed and stood in front of the van. She asked the lady to get her a strawberry smoothie and nudged Hyunjin go order his as well. Once, they were done, Hyejin asked Hyunjin to take photo for her.

She posed and Hyunjin couldn't help but smile endearingly as she posed cutely.

"How is it?" she asked as she ran over to take a look at the pictures.

"You are beautiful."


"I meant what I said!" Hyunjin said in a bashful manner and turned his head away as his ears burned. It took Hyejin a while to process the words and she gasped. She also turned her head away even though Hyunjin was already looking in the opposite direction. She pressed her cheeks together, wondering why they felt so hot all of a sudden.

She felt a nudge in the elbow.

"D-do you want to take more photos or return to the set?" he asked as soft as whisper but loud enough for her to hear.

"I-I think I'll go back to the set. The director must be looking for me."

They nodded at each other and returned back. Along the way, Hyejin spotted Seungmin who was busy running his lines with his manager. He waved at Hyejin when he noticed him but halted when he saw Hyunjin beside her.

Hyejin tilted her head in confusion and glanced at Hyunjin who was busy looking at Hyejin's phone. He was not planning to give it back to her yet as he was in the midst of sending those pictures to his phone so that he could make it his wallpaper.

He smiled in satisfaction when he finished his job and looked up to find Seungmin staring at him. His eyes widened and his foot shifted backwards. He did not expect to meet him here.

"It's been quite some time, Hyunjin."

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