Chapter 04

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Hyunjin walked to the front of the warehouse where a few men stood. They gave each other a glance and nodded as they opened the door for him. The boy entered the venue and the door behind was closed once he was in.

Hot smoke entered his nostrils and it still burned no matter how many times he had gone through it. He could taste the bitterness on his tongue. He noticed people sniffing on some white powder but he ignored it. Along the way, he spotted a blonde man who was leaning against the wall. Their eyes met and he just continued walking until he reached the group of men who was sitting behind the round table with poker cards laid on top.

One of them tossed the card and looked at him.

"Hyunjin, heard the news?"

The boy gulped down and hanged his head low.

"I'm sorry."

"This is the first time this had happened. Wait... I suppose it's the second time since you had left a corpse unattended when you first started."

"I didn't mean to. I was... distracted."

"Why? Was there a witness?"

"Yes but I have taken care of it."

"Good because we wouldn't want mouths running about our association. So, how's your little brother?"

Hyunjin squeezed his hand that had been placed over each other and swallowed his saliva thickly.

"He's doing fine."

"Good. I've transferred the money to you."

Hyunjin finally looked up. The man raised his eyebrow.

"I-it's lesser than agreed."

"That's because we have to take care of the corpse," he stood up and walked towards Hyunjin who shivered when he blew his cigarette smoke at him. "Problem?"

"N-no, sir."

"But I do," he chuckled and snapped his fingers. One of the men who were playing poker got off their seats and punched Hyunjin in the stomach. The boy gaped and coughed out blood. He knelt onto the ground as the hit was too strong and he felt like his insides were smashed into pieces. "Next time, do a proper job, pretty boy."

A cigarette bud was dropped onto the ground and stomped right before Hyunjin's eyes which served as a warning to him.


Hyejin knew this was a bad idea but it was also the only way. She held onto the fabric tightly and wetted her lips as she tried to place her foot on the handrail of the balcony below. She almost lost her footing and she hugged the fabric that was connected to the rail of the balcony that she was coming down from.

"This is harder than in the movies!" She looked down to find nothing but the ground. She wanted to cry as she had to get down from the eight floor. "Nothing is going right."


It felt like an entire day when Hyejin's feet finally touched the ground. She felt so relieved and it was as if she had just came back from death. She braved herself, dusted her clothes and hopped off elsewhere but the thing was she didn't know where she was.

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