Chapter 14

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The three of them were at the hospital and Hyejin had informed Hyunjin that Lee Know knew everything. The younger boy cowered behind Hyejin whenever the older glared at him.

They arrived at the room and Hyunjin took in a deep breath. He opened the door and heard people laughing. He looked at the person sitting beside Jeongin's bed. He was back facing him but he could tell who he was.

"Oh, Hyung!" Jeongin waved when he saw him.

Seungmin turned around and stood up to greet them. The two seemed to be in a good relationship that made Hyunjin confused. He felt Hyejin tapped his arm so he shifted his attention to her.

"Talk with him. Lee Know and I will stay with Jeongin."

"Thank you."

"Save the thanks."

She walked past him and started conversing Jeongin with a sweet smile. Hyunjin could never grow bored of that beautiful sight of hers. He looked at Seungmin and gestured him to follow him.


"So, what brought you here?" Hyunjin asked, heading straight to the point.

The other shrugged his shoulders as he leaned against the wall.

"I needed to know the reason why you were working with that association."

"Are you being serious?! You are in trouble because of that!"

"I know but I can't help myself but be worry about people around me. I know I made a mistake in the past but I can't bring myself to make another mistake."

"And what do you plan to do? Pretty sure you know I'm in a tight position." Hyunjin took his gun out and pointed at him. "Want me to kill you? Then, it would end everything."

"I wouldn't mind but can you really do it?"

Hyunjin clicked his tongue and put his gun away. He wanted to stop killing people, especially those who got involved because of him.

"I'm sorry for everything but..," Seungmin sighed, "I'll work it out to help you get out of that association."

"How can you help me?"

"You don't know it yet, right?"

"Know what?"

Seungmin pulled his phone out and tapped on the screen. He then passed it to Hyunjin who read the news that was revealed on the screen. His eyes widened and he looked up at Seungmin in shock.


Hyunjin ran into Jeongin's room and spotted Hyejin laughing while talking with the younger boy. He gulped down and walked towards Hyejin whose eyes sparkled when she saw him.

"Oh,  Hyunjin! You are back."

"Is it true?"

Hyejin tilted her head in confusion.

"What is?"

Hyunjin held the phone up for her to see.

"The news about you faking an identity being exposed and about your career being doomed."

Hyejin turned away and tried to place her focus on something else.

"Yeah, it's true. But it's okay, Hyunjin-"

"How is this okay?! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have gotten you involved. I should have left you there. You should have left me there!"


"What do you mean why?"

"I don't regret any of this, Hyunjin. It's bound to happen. The fact that I am Jung Hae-In is something that will be revealed to the world one day."

Hyunjin dropped onto the floor on his knees and held Hyejin's hand. She was flabbergasted by his sudden actions and was telling him to stand up but he didn't. He placed his head on her lap and sobbed.

He knew she was lying because he had seen her acting. Her eyes were full of passion and she really enjoyed her job. He felt extremely awful for ruining something she loved.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."

Hyejin knew this stubborn boy wouldn't listen to her so she just nodded her head and ran her fingers through his hair.

"It's okay."


His eyes were red and his lips were pouty. Hyejin giggled as she reached to brush his fringe to the side so that it was not covering his eyes.

"That was so embarrassing! I can't believe I cried in front of them," he covered his face as his ears turned red. He just came to a realisation after crying his heart out that Lee Know, Seungmin, Jeongin and even Changbin were in the room with them. He had always shown his tough side and yet he cried like a baby.

"You are cute so it's okay."

"You always say good things to me."

"That's because you deserve those compliments."

They let silence take over and it was the kind of comfortable silence that filled the room. It was night and there was an empty room beside Jeongin's so they managed to occupy the place as they would end up overcrowding the patient's room. Lee Know and Seungmin were already asleep while Changbin had left with the records to get the room and doctors ready.


"Hae-In," Hyejin corrected.


Hyejin nodded her head with a smile.

"Hae-In," Hyunjin smiled. "Hae-In," he repeated again which made Hyejin laugh.


"I just like calling you by your name."

She chuckled and used her forefinger to poke his forehead.

"But it's still noona for you."

"Don't think so."

He received a light flick on the forehead and let out a soft shriek.

"Bad boy."

"I'll be good for you," Hyunjin winked.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"Does it work?"

"Maybe?" Hyejin chuckled lightly.


Changbin called to notify that he had already prepared a room for Jeongin at his hospital after receiving permission from his father. Everything was ready and all that was left was to move Jeongin.

Hyejin yawned as she stretched her arms out. She had dozed off for a bit and decided to leave to get a cup of water. She studied the sleeping boys, especially Hyunjin. She crouched down beside him and brushed his hair away from his face.

"Everything will be fine."

She pulled the blanket up for him and stood up to leave.


Hyejin placed the styrofoam cup under where the water fell from the machine. She was about to drink when she heard a loud gun shot.

A bad feeling took over her and she hoped it was not what she think it is.

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