Chapter 08

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Hyejin was pretty sure Hyunjin would not have left the door unlocked. She wondered if he had forgotten to do so or left it on purpose. The first option seemed to more possible. Either ways, she left the studio even though she knew very well that Hyunjin might catch her.

She didn't mind dealing with him but her career is important. She had worked so hard with Lee Know to stand on this level so she couldn't let herself be dragged down because of this situation. She didn't wish to go back to hiding and running away from everything anymore.

She stepped out on the road and was almost hit by a car as she was too distracted with her own thoughts. She stared at the person who honked the horn and reeled the window, revealing the driver.

"Hyejin!" Lee Know called.


Hyejin sat down in the car while shaking her legs. It was a bad habit of hers which she usually does when she gets nervous.

"Are they going to think I'm a lazy person now? I was kidnapped but I can't really say that though."

"You were what?!"

Lee Know braked all of a sudden that Hyejin toppled over. She hit the back of the chair out of frustration.

"Drive properly!" she scolded but Lee Know was unaffected as concern was taking over him. He parked the car, turned the lights on and turned back to look at her.

"You were kidnapped?! Why didn't you call me?!"

"I did back then! Also, I didn't have my phone with me. Plus, I tend to forget too."

"Why would you forget?! You were basically being kidnapped! You could have died!"

"Well... true."

"So, who is it? I will call the police and have him arrested."

"No, that is not necessary. I'm here anyways. Safe and sound. Stop making too much of a ruckus which would just feed the media full."

Lee Know wanted to argue but before he could even do so, Hyejin cut him off.

"I'm tired. Let's just go home."

He let out a sigh in defeat and drove away.


It had been exactly three days and all the wrong scandals involving Hyejin were dead. It took quite a while this time because of the evidences and also, Hyejin didn't wish to tell anyone that she was kidnapped as it would bring Hyunjin to spotlight.

She was sitting down at the side, reading the script when Seungmin came towards her.

"Are you okay?"

She looked up and smiled.

Lee Know had twisted the situation in a way that all the lies made sense. He told the public that Hyejin was tired and needed a break from media. It was not that she wanted it but the company decided to give her some because she had been collapsing a lot. He also used the case where she had 'fainted' in the middle of the road to support his statement.

Just thinking about it gave Hyejin goosebumps but still, Lee Know had always been the mastermind in shaping her into a perfect actress, Lee Hyejin.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking," she answered.

Hyejin could tell that the boy still had sparks in his eyes whenever their eyes met but she didn't wish to give him high hopes.

"Seungmin," she sighed and the other hummed, "I don't fix a broken glass. If it is broken, I throw it away.

"I know, noona. I do not plan to force you to get back together with me," he paused to glance at her. "That boy..."

She hummed in question, wondering who he was talking about.

"Nothing," he smiled and walked away when the director called for them.


The sky had been painted in a darker shade of blue and it was a starless night with only one big round moon up above there. Hyejin watched the places and people passed by as the car drove off. Lee Know had turned on his favourite songs and moved to the beat as he drove.

"Stop taking your hands off the steering wheel! You are already such a bad drive," Hyejin dissed and Lee Know hissed.

"We won't die! Don't worry!"

It didn't take long for Hyejin's statement to be proved right as he had to suddenly brake the car because of the red light which he almost missed. The two blinked their eyes and Hyejin punched the chair while Lee Know just chuckled sheepishly.

Hyejin let out a sigh and looked out of the window again. She recognised the location as Hyunjin's neighbourhood and she wondered how that pretty boy was doing. Her mind wandered off to ponder why Hyunjin had left the door unlocked as it still did not make sense to her.

"He would never forget something like that," she mumbled to herself.



Lee Know went back to humming to the song. Hyejin decided that it was no use thinking about him and she was convinced that he would be out there killing people again. She was about to return back to using her phone when she saw something in her peripheral vision.

She slammed the window and squashed her face to get a clear look which caused Lee Know to flinch. She recognised that blonde who was coming out from an alley and her eyes moved to the crimson coloured knife he was holding. He kept it and walked away. It was dark so no one would have noticed him. Plus, there were barely any people walking by that area.

Hyejin had a eerie feeling.

"Lee Know, stop the car."

"Huh?" he asked as he couldn't hear since the music was playing too loud.

"I said stop the car!" she shouted and Lee Know stepped the brake instantly.

"Don't do that- Hey! Where are you going again?"

"Just park the car near here. I'll pay for the ticket! Just follow me!"

"Hey! It's not the ticket that I'm worried about!"

Lee Know was speechless by her and just parked the car because he couldn't afford to lose her again. He followed after Hyejin who ran into the alley.

Hyejin took in a deep breath and slowed down when she heard Lee Know telling her to do so. She wondered if any of the alleys is this dark. She looked up and saw that the street lamps were broken.

Lee Know turned the phone flashlight on.

"Why is this place so creepy? Why are we even here?" he asked Hyejin.

"For something... or someone."


Hyejin stopped abruptly which caused Lee Know to bump into her. He was about to say something but his brain went blank after seeing the person in front.

"Hyejin, isn't that the boy who was with you on the news?"

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