Chapter 05

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"Open the door! I know you are inside! Hwang Hyun-"

The door was open and there was a man standing outside. He looked like he was in the early twenties, pearl white skin with his masculine body structure and had a troublesome vibe. He was definitely speechless when he saw Hyejin standing there instead of the person he was searching for.

As for Hyejin, she couldn't take her eyes off the gun that he was holding. Following where her eyes were, the guy cleared his throat and kept the firearm away from her sight.

"May I help you?" she asked, innocently.

"I'm just looking for someone. I think I got the wrong room," he answered and then studied her. "By the way, are you the actress, Lee Hyejin?"

Hyejin's lips almost curved up into a smirk but she bit it down and shook her head. She then smiled sweetly.

"I got that a lot. It's really an honour."

"You really do look alike. Sorry for intruding this late at night," he apologised and walked away as if he hadn't just tried to destroy the door.

"Hwang Hyun?" Hyejin wondered. "Now that I've thought of it... I don't even know this pretty boy's name."

"It's Hwang Hyunjin," a voice came from behind making Hyejin flinch.

"Wow. That's one heck of a name for a murderer."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh. It's nothing."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and grabbed Hyejin's wrist. He grabbed her back to the living room and showed her the bags.

"Have you chosen?"

Hyejin finally recalled that they were deciding on which bag her corpse was to be placed in. She looked at him devastated and shook her head. He shook his head to mirror her action and she nodded which he did as well.

"Then, you really need to stop trying to run away. I'll have to kill you if you try to escape," Hyunjin sighed as he picked his bags up again.

"Okay but on one condition!"

"Are you seriously trying to bargain with a killer?"

"Why not? Might as well give it a try," she chirped and then held one finger up, looking at him with pleading eyes. "Just one."

Hyunjin chuckled and beckoned her to continue. Seeing how there was a higher percentage of him willing to comply, she cleared her throat and smiled.

"It's pretty boring staying alone in your house. Let me go out."

"And let you escape? Dream on. You can always watch dramas."

"Watch myself? You should know I'm an actress and even if those dramas are of other casts, I would have watched them too for research purposes. At least, let me follow you around. I won't cause trouble. It's really boring here!" she whined like a child who wasn't getting her toy and Hyunjin finally let out a defeating sigh.

"Fine but you better not cause trouble."

When Hyunjin agreed, Hyejin did a little victory jump and hugged the boy because she always gets excited when things go her away which is almost always. On the other hand, Hyunjin was too shocked to even react and just let the actress hug him as he stood there like a statue. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her make a fool out of herself.


"I should have asked for two conditions."

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