Chapter 16

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One of the men grabbed Hyejin's arm and pulled her away. Lee Know tried to stop him but a gun was pointed to his forehead.

"One move and you are dead."

He gritted his teeth and felt useless for not being able to do anything but watch his friend being taken away. The men soon left and the boys started to take actions.

They ran out and saw Hyejin being pushed into the car. She banged the window when she saw Lee Know chasing after them. However, something was pierced into her arm and she felt drowsy which led to her blacking out in that car.


Hyejin woke up and was extremely unamused by the situation she was in. She was tied to a chair once again.

"Do these people only know how to tie a person to a chair?"

She let out a sigh. At least, she was not harmed or anything.

The door swung open and a person was thrown inside. Hyejin gasped when she recognised him.


The said boy looked up, his eyes growing bigger when he saw her. Hyejin was shocked by his state. He was filled with bruises and his hair was sticking to his forehead. He coughed when a man stepped onto his back. A gun was dropped beside him and Hyunjin glanced at it.

"You wanted to leave our association. Shoot her and you will be free forever," the man said and left the two alone in the room.

Hyunjin sat up and stared at the object as if he had never seen a gun before. He was given half an hour to make a decision, any longer and that decision would be made for him by the men outside.

"So, what is your plan?" Hyejin asked, bringing him
back to reality. The boy looked up to meet eyes with hers and turned away immediately because guilt was overwhelming.

"I'm not sure but all I know is that I want you to be safe."

"Then, what about your freedom?"

"I don't mind killing more people to keep you away from this association."

"And suffer every night? Why do you always betray yourself for others?"

"It's more convenient that way."

Hyunjin picked the gun up and kept it away. He walked towards Hyejin, taking a pocketknife out in the midst. He snapped the blade out and started cutting the ropes until those were completely dropped onto the ground and Hyejin was free to go.

"You should leave. I'll try to make way for you so that you can escape," he said, switching his knife and the gun he kept a while also. He held the gun closely and turned to look back at Hyejin who was still sitting on the chair. He drew his eyebrows to the middle. "What are you doing?"

Hyejin folded her arms and crossed her legs as she leaned back against the chair.

"I'm not leaving an inch without you."

"What?! Have you gone mad? This is not child's play. This is life and death matter."

"Been there. Done that. Look, Hyunjin. I'm not someone who cares about justice. Life is cruel and it's the stronger who wins but if no one is by your side, can you still consider yourself strong? I don't believe in one man show."

"Did they feed you something before I got here? I'm pretty sure you've gone nuts."

Hyejin gave Hyunjin a weird look and just shrugged her shoulders. She was serious about what she said. Hyunjin ruffled his hair and knelt down in front of Hyejin. He grabbed her hands.

"Please, Hyejin. I don't want to lose the only thing I have. I know I sound pretty insane at the moment but you are important to me."

"You are to me too."

"I can't afford to lose you so-"

"Isn't that being selfish? I know I'm being stubborn but what do I do knowing that whatever happened to you later was because of me? I can't even concentrate on acting because you were not by my side for one day."


Hyejin knocked his head lightly and he winched. He blinked his eyes and looked at her blankly.

"It's noona for you," she giggled.

Hyunjin couldn't believe she could laugh in a situation like this.

"Forget it. If anything happens to you, I'm not taking responsibility," Hyunjin told her as he stood up.

"As if you won't," Hyejin chuckled and stood up.

Hyunjin held his gun up and pointed it to the door. Hyejin stood behind him as he covered for her. He counted down to three and the moment it reached zero, the door was slammed open.

"So, that is your decision?" one of them asked without caring a reply, "What a fool."

They started attacking without a warning but Hyunjin was fast enough to aim and shoot at their hands, making most of them to drop their guns. He grabbed Hyejin's wrist and pulled her along with him to hide behind a wooden box which he used as a shield. The shooting didn't stop and Hyunjin retaliated from his position but spent most of the time pulling himself back from getting shot.

He realised that they had stopped shooting which only meant one thing. The bullets were gone. He pulled the trigger and his was out of bullets as well. He clicked his tongue and turned to Hyejin.

"Don't come out."

Before Hyejin could even react, he rushed out and got into a fist fight with the men. The number was overwhelming but Hyunjin had the skills to defend himself and fight back. He managed to knock most of them down but he was getting out of breath.

It was just him and the dude who threw him inside left. He was about to take a step forward when the other took a gun out. His eyes widened as the gun was aimed at him. He miscalculated and thought everyone had used up their bullets.

Hyunjin closed his eyes and the man was pulling the trigger when something was smashed against the man who dropped onto the ground. Hyunjin opened his eyes in shock after hearing the loud thud and looked at Hyejin who was holding a wooden bat.

"I found it there," Hyejin held the bag closely to her chest. Hyunjin just bobbed his head and grabbed her wrist again.


The two stepped out of the room, only to find the rest of the men on their kneels with their arms up in the air, surrounded by the police officers.

"That was a lot of work."

The familiar voice came from among the group of officers who made way for the person. Hyejin gripped onto Hyunjin's sleeve and the boy stood closely beside her as they waited for the officer to reveal himself.

The blonde hair was seen popping up from the crowd. The officer smirked when he arrived to the front and stood tall and straight. Both of them could not believe that the person standing before them was a police officer. He cuffed Hyunjin's wrist and smiled.

"Good job, Hyunjin."

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