Chapter 03

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Hyejin couldn't stop herself from shaking as she brought the gun down. She had just escaped death and she looked at the boy who watched her with interest.

"Looks like you are not dying," he hummed and Hyejin looked at him blankly. She seemed rather confused by the situation and was not convinced that she was really not going to die tonight. "I don't go back against my words."

He took the gun from her and picked up the other two guns. He turned his back against her as he kept his firearms.

"So, this means I'm not dying."


"So, I'm free?"

The boy chuckled and faced her.

"From dying that is but not from me."

"What does that mean?"


It was morning, the phone was ringing and Hyejin's eyes were opened. She couldn't sleep a wink since it was uncomfortable being tied to the chair and she couldn't imagine what the murderer would do to her if she did. Plus, she couldn't sleep without taking her pills and so, she ended up staring at the wall of weapons.

"This is torture."

She glanced at the boy who was sleeping and wondered how someone so pretty and innocent could be a murderer. But then again, those bloodthirsty eyes of his were another story.

Her eyes widened when she noticed him moving and she shifted her focus to anywhere besides the boy because she didn't want to be caught staring at him.

"Satisfied looking at me?" he asked and Hyejin chuckled sheepishly. "You knew?"

"Obviously. I'm an assassin. I have to be alert even in my sleep," he answered as he stretched his arms

"An assassin at such a young age?"

"I'm nineteen but does age matter when capitalism exists? People need money to live."

Hyejin was right. He really was of the same age as Seungmin. She wondered why he was taking up this career. Honestly, she was really curious about him.

"So, you earn a lot of money by murdering people?"

"Do people actually link those two words together? An assassin earns heaps of money. That is for sure but do we kill people everyday? We only work when the bosses need us to and that is when pests stir up problems. It's funny how a person's life can be ended with money just like... how they can be bought with it."

Hyejin noticed how his eyes changed when he was talking about it. He looked sad and guilty. He definitely had a reason behind the choice of his career and Hyejin knew she was getting too nosy but she couldn't help it. There was something about this boy that made her want to know more. Maybe it was because he was unique.

"By the way, what's your name?" he asked.


"You seriously don't know who I am?!"

The boy tilted his head and nodded.

"Am I supposed to know you?"

"Gosh! I am a top actress, Lee Hyejin. Everyone knows who I am."

Hyejin was pissed. She couldn't believe that there was someone who didn't know her. She recalled how her movies always had very high viewer ratings, how she had won many awards and even attended international film events.

"Oh, so you are an actress."

Hyejin looked at him with her mouth hanging.

"Are you being serious?"

"Well, duh. I don't think it's a crime to not know a celebrity. Though it would've been better to meet someone pretty like you in a different situation."

Hyejin wanted to say something but her words were taken away after hearing his compliment. It was not like she had never heard people praising her and he just said a simple word like pretty so she didn't know why she felt flustered.

"You are pretty too!"

Hyejin wished for nothing but to keep her mouth shut for once. She really wanted a zip over it because she had no control over it.

"Thank you. Never expected someone to say that to their murderer."

"Well... it's not like you are killing me. Plus, it's a fact."


His phone rang, interrupting their conversation and Hyejin noticed his expression changing for a second after checking the caller. He smiled at Hyejin, acting as if it wasn't anything important. The thing was Hyejin is an actress and she could tell if someone is acting or not.

"I'm heading off now. Don't even think about escaping."

"What?! You need to take these ropes off. What if I want to go to the toilet? Am I supposed to pee in my pants?"


And that was how Hyejin managed to finally let her skin breathe. She cracked her neck and stretched her arms out. She finally felt alive.

The boy had left and Hyejin walked around the apartment. There wasn't much to look at besides the display of weapons. She cleared her throat and turned away, trying to avoid looking at those.

It was a studio so there were only two doors, the toilet and the entrance. Of course, only one worked.

She clicked her tongue.

"That pretty murderer wouldn't be stupid enough to leave his door unlocked. This is boring."

Hyejin sat on the sofa. She didn't have a phone with her so she decided to just switch the television on. She still hadn't watch the news so she wanted to know what's going on with the world.

The news appeared saying how a person had been murdered and the place the body had been found was the alley Hyejin walked through. It perked her interest and she focused on the news.

The person turned out to be a personal assistant of a congressman.

Hyejin gulped. In her eyes, she saw herself standing in the room before a body that was laying on top of the pool of blood.

She let out a sigh and watched at the news again which changed to saying how the actress, Lee Hyejin, had gone missing.

Hyejin immediately knew it was Lee Know who had reported. It had only been a day but this person just had to let the whole world know.

"That idiot! Does he not know the consequences?"

The news reminded her of the drama that she was shooting as well as commercial deals and photo shoots up ahead. She would be seen as someone who was not working hard enough and people would definitely think that she was only playing around.

The awards that were supposed to be hers would be taken away just when it was reaching her hands.

"This won't do. I have to escape!"

She was so determined for a second but then she remembered how all the doors were locked.

"But how?!"

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