Chapter 4 (Gerard's POV)

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Oh. My. God. Frank came back to see me! The guy I said I liked came to see me in the hospital, even though we barely know each other! What a time to be alive! Not only did he come to see me, but he also brought me a gift! It’s a cute little stuffed puppy holding a big red heart. It’s so adorable! Frank’s got a good eye for gifts, that’s for sure. I will treasure this stuffed puppy for the rest of my life. I am not gonna deny that it’s a bit strange that someone I barely know came to see me, but I honestly love getting visitors. It makes lying here in this hospital bed a little less boring. I so badly wish I could answer what Frank has been saying to me. I love The Misfits and Black Flag! I wonder if he listens to Morrissey or The Smiths?
    I watched as Frank pulled out his phone and texted someone. I wonder who. Maybe a friend of his. What if he has a girlfriend? If so, I can honestly say that that would break my heart a little….Okay, it would a lot. I don’t blame him though. He is good looking, after all. You can’t date a comatose patient, now can you? I’m sorely jealous of my brother Mikey over the fact that he gets to date people. He’s got a boyfriend named Pete...or, at least, I think they’re dating. They may as well be, knowing how often they see each other. He’s pretty good looking, and incredibly sweet. I wish I had a boyfriend…
    “So, Gerard...what do you like to do in your spare time? I like to play guitar,” Frank said, laughing a little. He plays guitar? That’s awesome! Can this kid be any more appealing? He’s not only a hottie, but he can play guitar, for fuck’s sake! I suck at guitar. Already gave it a try, and let’s just say that I didn’t get very far with it. I prefer to draw and read comic books. Oh, what if he also likes comic books? If only I could ask…
    “I’d love to bring over my guitar here and play for you, but I don’t know if the staff here would allow that. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask,” Frank said, looking down at his skeleton gloved hands. I would so love it if Frank could do that. Oh, how I miss listening to music. It’s been so long since I last listened to music that it’s driven me nuts.
    There was a knock at the door. It was Brendon, the nurse that’s been assigned to me for his shift. He walked over to my bedside, checking my I.V bag, as well as the needle in my arm. I hate that needle so much. I freak out whenever the people here poke me with them. What the worst part is is that there’s nothing I can do about it.
    “Hmm, your I.V looks a bit off, Gerard. I’m gonna have to fix it,” he said.
    Oh god...oh god, no….This is really gonna suck…
    “Here, Gerard. I’ll hold your hand. Dunno if you’re afraid of needles or not. Just in case,” Frank said suddenly, taking my left hand into his. I just about smiled from ear to ear in my mind. I can’t get over how sweet this boy is. He was willing to hold my hand while Brendon messed with my I.V! With Frank’s hand in mine, Brendon pulled out the needle in my arm and pried it back in, my arm feeling a stinging pinch.
    “All done,” Brendon sang, walking out of the room. “Your new roommate is gonna be up here soon,”
    Wait, roommate? Who? I could only hope it’s someone that won’t shit the bed, or someone that doesn’t snore. God, I wish I could have a private room. If only I could be so lucky…
    “I wonder who your roommate is gonna be,” Frank said, brushing my bangs away from my forehead. “He better be nice to you, or we’re gonna have a problem!”
    At that moment, two nursing techs walked in, wheeling in someone in a bed. It was a younger looking guy, someone around my age, with a plastic head cap over his mass of brown hair. It looks like the guy has an afro, but chunks of it are gone. Must be a cancer patient. The techs helped transfer the patient from the bed he was lying in to the one in this room next to mine, the curtain separating our beds slid back. When the techs left, the patient looked around, grabbing the remote at his bedside and turning on the t.v in front of him. He sat back and watched some documentary about World War II on History Channel. He turned over to face Frank and smiled a little.
    “Hey,” Frank said, smiling back.
    “Hi,” the patient replied. “What’s up?”
    “Not much. Just visiting my friend here. You?” Frank lied. I don’t blame him. What exactly was I to him? It’s not like Frank can just say that he’s visiting someone he barely knows. I guess Frank and I are friends. I don’t mind it at all.
    “Just got here. Had my chemo session. I’m Ray, by the way,”
    “Nice to meet you, Ray. I’m Frank,” Frank said, introducing himself.
    “What happened to your friend, if I may ask?” Ray asked.
    “Oh, um...he got in a car wreck. He’s been in a coma for two months,” Frank replied, biting his lip as he looked down at me.
    “Oh, really? I’m so sorry. I hope he pulls through,”
    “Thanks,” Frank said, sighing a little. I take back everything I said about wanting to die. I don’t wanna die. I just wanna wake up outta this coma. I wanna hold Frank and tell him thank you for caring. I wanna express my gratitude to him for making me feel like I’m more than enough. But what worries me is if I’ll even survive. I remember having to be resuscitated a few times in the past, and me being at death’s door could very well happen again. I just really, really hope I’ll be able to wake up soon one day…
    “You from around here?” Ray asked Frank.
    “I’m from Jersey,” Frank replied.
    “Oh, nice! I was born and raised here in New York,”
    “Yeah. I’m visiting from Jersey, obviously. My grandpa recently passed away, so that’s why me and my family are visiting,”
    “Oh, I’m so sorry,”
    “It’s fine. I know he’s in a better place now,”
    “Good point. I think I’m gonna take a little nap. I’m wiped out after the chemo,” Ray said, stretching out his arms and yawning.
    “Alright, then. Enjoy your nap,” Frank said, turning back to me. “Well, looks like you got someone nice to keep you company when I’m not here, huh Gee? I hope you don’t mind me calling you that,” he laughed. No, I don’t mind at all. He can call me whatever he wants. Frank looked at the time on his phone, then back up at me.
    “Shit, it’s almost six. I better get going before grandma kills me,” Frank laughed standing up and stretching. “She’s making chicken and dumplings tonight. Don’t wanna miss that. See you later, Gee. Okay?”
    Goodbye, Frank. I watched him as he got up and walked out of the room. It hasn’t even been a minute and I already want him back in here with me. That’s how much I miss him. I wish I could hold the stuffed puppy dog Frank gave me to my chest and hold it tight. I bet it smells like Frank...

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