Chapter 6 (Gerard's POV)

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    Oh no…
    Frank has a girlfriend. I should have known. I also shouldn't be complaining. I’m sure Jamia is a nice girl. I should be happy for Frank. Besides, do I really have a chance with Frank? No, I don’t. I’m in a fucking coma. People in comas can’t date. I should also be happy that Frank came to see me. I missed him since he didn’t come to see me yesterday. I wonder what he’s been up to. Maybe spending time with his girlfriend? Who knows.
    I looked over to Bob, Ray’s visitor. He seems like a cool guy. I will admit that I’m a tiny bit jealous of Ray, even though he’s got cancer and his hair is falling out. I suddenly am craving chocolate so much. Hell, I’m craving food period. I’m sick of having this stupid tube in my nose feeding me this nasty tasting liquid. When I eventually wake up, I’m gonna eat like it’s the last meal I’ll ever get to eat.
    Okay. Back to Frank and Jamia. I will honestly say that they look really cute together. Jamia is very pretty for a girl. She’s got long smooth brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is made up nicely and not to the point where she looks like a clown. She’s also got a slender figure. I can see why Frank’s dating her. Who am I to judge? They’re made for each other. Still, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I was sorely jealous of Jamia. She’s one hell of a lucky girl. At that moment, someone walked in. It was Mikey and Pete, holding hands. Mikey looked at Frank and Jamia, completely perplexed. Frank looked to Jamia, then me, then back to Jamia, then to Mikey, smiling awkwardly.
    “Uh...hi,” he said. “Who are you?”
    “I think I should be the one asking that,” Mikey replied. “Do I know you?”
    “Uh….no, I guess not. I’m Frank. I’m a friend of Gerard’s,” Frank said, introducing himself. He turned to introduce Jamia. “And this is my girlfriend Jamia,”
    “Hi,” Jamia waved. Mikey did not look pleased, to say the least. He shrugged his shoulders, pulling up a chair for him and Pete. He turned over to me, brushing my bangs away from my face. “Hey, bro,”
    “You guys are brothers?” Jamia asked Mikey.
    “Yes, we are,” he said, nodding as he looked down at me.
    “Sorry mom couldn’t make it, Gerard. She got called into work,” Mikey told me. “She said she’ll come tomorrow,”
    Ahh. What a shame. At least she’s coming by tomorrow. Can’t complain there. I know she works hard to support us. She's worked at the same hair salon for nearly ten years now. There were days where she would come home exhausted and would go straight to her bedroom, not coming out. She says she loves what she does, though. I hope that when I wake up from this damn coma (that is, if I ever do) I will pursue my dream of being a famous comic book artist. I really miss drawing…
    “So, long have you known Gerard?” Mikey asked skeptically. Poor Frank. Mikey should just leave him alone.
    “Um...a couple years. We went to the same school,” Frank replied nervously.
    “Hmm, interesting,” Mikey nodded. “I don’t recall seeing you with Gerard at all. In fact, I never really saw him around anyone. He never really had a lot of friends in high school,”
    “Oh, uh…,” Frank stuttered, playing with his lip ring. “I went there last year for the last semester and we only hung out for, uh, third and fourth period,”
    “Hmm...okay,” Mikey said, nodding. He clearly didn’t look convinced. “Okay. I’ll take your word for it,”
    “Okay,” Frank shrugged, his hand grabbing Jamia’s, their fingers intertwining. I wish I could hold Frank’s hand. But I can’t. I’m in a fucking coma, and Frank already has someone to hold hands with. Frank smiled sadly, his free hand covering mine. He felt so warm against my cold skin. He ran his thumb across the back of my hand softly. Okay, that feels better...even though Frank is still not single…
    “Uh, so,” Frank said nervously. “You never told me your name,”
    “Mikey,” my brother replied.
    “I’m Frank,” Frank said, accidentally introducing himself again.
    “ already said that before,” Mikey told him.
    “Oh, okay. Sorry,” Frank said, blushing and embarrassed. Mikey just nodded. Seriously, he needs to give Frank a break. Does he have a problem with him visiting me? I hope not. “So, why are you here, exactly?” Frank asked.
    “ see my brother?” Mikey said condescendingly. Okay, seriously. Mikey needs to chill the fuck out. He needs to know that I love Frank’s company here. He smiled softly as he began to run his fingers through my hair. Okay. That feels really good. I wish I could do the same.
    “Please wake up,” Frank whispered, his hand gently brushing a few strands of loose hair out of my face. I can’t wake up. I’ve tried, but this deep sleep is keeping me in it’s embrace. If only it were that easy to wake up.
    “I wish he could...I dunno how he’ll be when he does wake up...that is, if he does wake up,” Mikey said, looking down at me.
    “What do you mean?” Frank asked, narrowing his eyes. “He’s gonna wake up. Don’t think like that,”
    “I know I shouldn’t,’s been two months. Me and mom are getting worried,”
    “He’ll come out of it. He has to,”
    Everyone stayed quiet for a while. I wish I could wake up and prove Frank right. Again, if only it were that easy. I could only imagine the shock I’d bring to everyone. Mikey does bring up a good point, though. How will I be when I wake up? Will I be able to speak and walk? Oh god, what if I can’t do either of those things? If that happens, is life really worth living then…?
    “Frank, can I talk to you outside of here?” Mikey asked. Frank nodded, telling Jamia he’ll be right back and heading with Mikey outside of the room. What could they have to talk about? Are they hiding something from me? I hope not...

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