Chapter 15 (Frank's POV)

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        Jamia and I ended our night with an apologetic makeout session, which was way more enjoyable for her than it was for me. A kiss wasn't going to make up for Jamia’s actions. She punctured my glove compartment and was just an overall ass. I decided that I'd probably make her pay for the repairs for my car.

 I slept like a rock that night, skipping dinner per my mom's agreement after seeing how pissed and sad I looked when I walked into the kitchen. I dreamed of Gerard, which freaked me out at first. I eventually calmed my dream self down when we just had a conversation and a hug. Regardless, I woke up the next morning with a sweaty back and a possibly ruined pair of pajamas.

 I wondered how Gerard felt about not waking up. I mean, I wouldn't want to be in a coma just as much as the next John Doe across the way, but maybe it's peaceful. Maybe Gerard liked not having to answer anyone or speak to them. That's the only perk I can think of.

 Jamia called me at noon, asking me to swing by her place to hang out. I didn't really want to go after what had happened last night, but I didn't want to piss her off anymore, so I hesitantly agreed.

 I dressed in whatever I thought made me look the most dead, going as far as to worsen the appearance of my eye bags with eyeliner along my lower lash line. Before I left, I took to the reliable pal known as duct tape to fix my car, promising myself that it was only temporary, but also knowing that the tape would claim my car as it's home for at least three months.

 I pulled into Jamia’s driveway to see that she was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and her foot tapping impatiently. She didn't look very pleased to see me, even though she's the one who had invited me over. I got out of my car and trudged up to her, exaggerating how miserable I really felt.

 “Hey Jams, h-” I was cut off when she grabbed a fistful of my shirt and yanked me inside, practically slinging me into the loveseat that sat in the corner of the main room. She slammed the door behind her and drove her hands through her hair, grumbling something under her breath about confidence. She shook her head and walked up to me, crouching to meet my level.

 “Look, Frank, we need to talk.” She said in a serious tone, sparking an anxious match inside of my already confused chest.

 “Okay?” I responded slowly, furrowing my eyebrows. I knew there was a possibility that she was going to dump me or forbid me from visiting Gerard, but my rational brain knew that she wasn't that heartless.

 “You've got to stop seeing Gerard so much, Frank. It's like you don't even love me anymore.” Oh. Maybe she is that heartless.

 “Jamia, I-”

 “Don't think I don't see those pretty eyes of yours just light up when you speak to Gerard. Don't think I don't see how you've been ignoring me and my advances lately. You love him, Frank. And that's okay… because I'm done.” Jamia said, her voice dropping a good octave to get her point across. And goddamn, even though I wasn't really bothered by all of this, that fucking hurt. I let out a sigh and hung my head, staring at my lap.

 “I'm sorry.” I mumbled half heartedly.

 “Don't be… I'd like you to leave, please.” Jamia murmured, smiling sadly when I looked up and made to leave. It was clear that she didn't want to leave me, but she felt like she had to.

 “Keep in touch, yeah?” I asked as I made my way to the door.

 “Yeah.” Jamia whispered, closing to door once I was outside.

 Well. Alright then. I made my way back to my car and stayed for a moment once I was in. So that was it. We were done. Wow. I pulled out of the driveway and added a pound of salt to the small wound of Jamia’s absence by driving to the hospital. I needed to vent, that's all. It'll be okay then.

 When I entered Gerard and Ray's room, I felt myself relax so much that Ray pointed it out.

 “Did ya see something you didn't want to see?” Ray asked jokingly.

 “No… I heard something I didn't want to hear.” I corrected. Ray nodded and hummed to himself.

 “Your parents doing it?”

 “Oh god no, man. I just got dumped.” I corrected again with a small chuckle, “it wasn't scarring.”

 “That sucks… her name was Jamia, right?”

 “Yeah.” I confirmed, running a hand through my hair and sighing again.

 “Wanna talk about it?” Ray asked, “we’re both here to listen, even though one of us can't respond.” I glanced at Ray's hand as he tossed it Gerard’s way.

 “Yeah.. yeah, I'd like that.” I said quietly, scuffing my feet against the tile.

 “Take a seat, then. Let's hear what happened.”

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