Chapter 20 (Gerard's POV)

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         Oh my god….I just can't believe this. Frank asked me to be his boyfriend. If I was able to respond, which I can't, I would jump out of this bed and yell yes, and hug him tight. But I'm still stuck in my own body, despite being awake. I can't do anything. I can't talk, walk, or anything else. I’m like a statue, and there's sadly nothing I can do about it, which infuriates me. I so badly wanna tell Frank yes, because that's how much I love and care for this man. I'm so mad that I can't say yes that I just wanna scream. What if I don’t ever get any better? What if I'm bound to be like this for the rest of my life, with machines hooked up to me, making my body function for me? What if I never get the chance to tell Frank yes? I guess I was right; I truly am doomed. I am doomed to stay as a prisoner of my own body. If that's really so, then someone needs to pull the plug on me already. It just isn't fair for me to live like this, and I don’t even know how I ended up this way. What's the point of living if I can't do anything? I can't even tell Frank that I really do want to have a relationship with him. Why must these people keep me alive? I have no purpose in life since I can't do anything. It's just not fucking fair…
           Suddenly, I felt something; something in my right arm. It's twitching like crazy, and I don’t know why. Could it be because of all these different feelings I have, ranging from anger, to anxiety, to sadness? Holy fuck...I can move my arm! This made Frank gasp, his eyes wide. Even Ray took the time to see this happen, and I could see shock in his face. That's when Frank jolted out of his seat and run out of the room, my guess being that he's gonna get Brendon to see what the hell is going on. He and Frank soon returned, with Frank telling Brendon to look at my right arm. With as much force as I could muster, I made my arm move around, my hand making fists and releasing over and over again. This made Brendon's eyes widen in surprise. He smiled as he took some paper from his clipboard and a pen from his breast pocket, handing them to me near my bedside table. I'm guessing that he wants me to say something by writing something down. But what am I gonna tell them? There’s just so many things I wanna say, especially to Frank.
           “Gerard, if you can hear me, can you write down that you can?” Brendon asked. I concentrated all my energy on to my right hand, and sure enough, I was able to get it to move. It flailed and struggled a bit, but soon enough I was able to get it to grab the pen. I brought it to the paper Brendon provided for me. I began to write, my handwriting being shoddy and messy that's probably from the lack of coordination in my almost entirely frozen body.
           “I can hear you” I wrote. Brendon looked at what I scribbled down, and turned to Frank with a smile on his face.
           “Looks like he can communicate after all,” Brendon said.

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