Chapter 25 (Frank's POV)

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I awoke to what felt like millions upon millions of tiny daggers digging into the left side of my body, rolling over to escape them. I rolled into more daggers, a low hiss escaping my lips. I opened my eyes to see what I was rolling in, spotting the shards of glass that littered my floor like a forest’s floor during autumn.

 Oh fuck, that's right, I passed out. Threw the goddamn bottle at the wall first though, because that's extremely smart. I groaned at my own incredibly taxing idiocy, before letting out another groan as I spotted blood slowly flowering across the floor.

 I hauled myself to my feet, frowning at my blood soaked clothes. I didn't take them off though, since the glass pinned them to my body. If I removed the glass, I knew that the blood would rush to the light of the outside world like a moth following the warm glow of a lamp.

 Instead, I inched my way to my bathroom, wincing every time my punctured body shifted and tended. I eventually made it to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of tweezers and a roll of gauze. I carefully sat down on the counter, making sure I didn't provoke too many of the shards.


Once I had removed the glass from my screaming skin and cleaned the nearly microscopic wounds, I slinked back to my room so I could change into some clean clothes. I closed my door once I had returned to my glass infested abode, depriving my body of my shirt and using it to capture the rest of the glass. I knew it was ruined, so I wasn't too mad to see its use change from a keeper of societal dignity to a measly broom and catch.

 I changed quickly, wanting to return to the world of comfort as fast as humanly possible. Now that the pain from the glass had packed its bags and left with a fit, my skull told me that it was time to have a splitting headache. I frowned and sighed in distaste, grabbing the nearly empty bottle of Advil off of my nightstand and popping two of the little pills into my mouth and swallowing them dry.

 After around half an hour of bitter waiting, the medicine finally settled into my system, serving my tortured body some well-deserved relief. A shaky smile graced my tired and sunken face, showing little sign of fading anytime soon.

 I eventually decided to just go to the hospital since I couldn't think of anything important I had scheduled. I drove cautiously, worried that my headache would return and plague me yet again. My shaky smile slowly became solid as my drive came to an end, pulled to that state by the song on the radio and the knowledge that I'd be seeing my new friend and my new boyfriend.

 I sang along with the song, crows feet taking up residence on the outer corners of my eyes to show the genuinity to my smile.

Could this be love at first sight?
Or should I walk by again?
You're photogenically dressed
The conversation begins
Oh god, oh what did I say?
Let me start over again

Could this be love at first sight?
Oh wait, I said that before
I need a place for the night
Happy to sleep on the floor
But don't go out of your way
And I won't talk anymore

Turn the lights off
I'm in love

Wouldn’t you like to?
Wouldn't you like to kiss her?
Wouldn't you like to?
Wouldn't you like to dance with her?

Darkened nights and violent things
Vaudevillian girls and violin strings
All of these are the prettiest things
When I'm in love

Turn the light off
I'm falling in love with you

Wouldn't you like to?
Wouldn't you like to kiss her?
Wouldn't you like to?
Wouldn't you like to dance with her?

Dark, dark nights and violent things
Vaudevillian girls and violin strings
All of these are the prettiest things
When I'm in love

 My mind switched the pronouns easily, my mind pinning the song to Gerard nicely. In my head, thegersrd I had conjoined wore the song like a cape. Beautiful, I thought as I pulled into the hospital parking lot, absolutely beautiful.

 If only I could play that song for him. If only.

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