Chapter 21 (Frank's POV)

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        He…. he can communicate. That means he can answer me. That means we can have conversations. That means… oh, it means so much. I scooted a little closer to Gerard and glanced between his eyes and his arm for a moment. Ray was still beaming so wide that his tongue had given out for the time being.

 “Hey, Gee? Um… what's your answer… y’know, to my question?” I asked nervously, expecting to see a half-neat ‘no’ find its way to the paper. I took Gerard's left hand in mine, having to reach across the boy to reach it. It felt warmer.

 I looked down at Gerard's paper when I felt him tap my arm to get my attention. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my throat so it could scream. Right on the paper, in Gerard's ‘still getting used to this again’ handwriting, was a ‘yes’.

 I took Ray's expression as my own and leaned down into an awkward angle to attempt to hug Gerard, which got me a hesitant but happy hand on my back to keep me close. I pulled back and turned to face Ray, who had now decided to cover his mouth with his hand.

 “Good job.” Ray said, his voice muffled but still clearly ecstatic. I gave him a thankful smile before returning my attention to Gerard. He had written something on his notepad and was now pointing at it. I glanced down and began to read it.

 “If I weren't in this condition, I'd hug you back properly.” It read. I chuckled and shook my head, carding my fingers through Gerard's black-as-pitch hair.

 “We’ll have to wait.” I murmured, even though it didn't exactly want to wait anymore. I wanted Gerard to be completely mobile. I wanted him to be able to speak. This was for his own benefit… I know he doesn't like being in this half-awake state any more than the comatose state.

 “I don't want to wait, though.” Wrote Gerard. His handwriting was slowly morphing into what it was before the accident, e’s becoming less scratchy and i’s earning their centered dot. I gave him a sympathetic smile and leaned down to press a soft but meaningful kiss to his forehead.

 “Patience is key.” I whispered, pulling away quickly just in case Gerard wasn't a big fan of the whole closeness thing. I watched him write a happy face in response, which I assumed was a good thing.

 “C’mon, Frank, visiting hours are over.” Brendon said as he poked his head out from the other side of the doorframe. I nodded reluctantly and slid out of the seat, raising a hand to wave goodbye to Ray and Gerard.

 “Bye guys.” I said, shifting my weight from foot to foot. Ray grinned at me and said bye in return. Gerard held up his notepad for me to see.

 “Bye, Frankie :).” He wrote. I smiled happily and held my gaze on Gerard for a few more seconds before walking out of the room. Brendon whistled a time to himself as we walked, one that I recognized as a Frank Sinatra song. I listened along and occasionally hummed, but otherwise stayed silent.

 “Cya, Frank.” Brendon said once we made it to the main lobby.

 “Bye, Brendon”. I replied, my smile mellowing for the nurse. I turned and left the building when Brendon made to leave, a small skip in my step. Gerard said yes. To me. Me, of all the rats. I couldn't believe it. I sure as hell wasn’t complaining, though.

 I ran my hand over the duct tape on my glove box when I got to my car, shaking my head at it. Now I really knew that Jamia would be paying for the repairs. It probably wouldn't be more than a hundred bucks, so it's reasonable. It wasn't like I was asking her to get me some new tires.

 As I drove home, I couldn't help but talk to myself. I voiced my newfound thoughts about Gerard.

 “Have you seen those eyes?”

 “His hair is so fluffy.”

 “He's an idiot for saying yes to me.”

 “He’ll not like my flaws.”

 “But those hands, though.”

 “So pretty.”

 “He’ll leave me.”

 “He’ll leave me.”

 “He’ll leave me.”

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