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I found his room and pulled it open. Kaden was on the hospital bed with IVs and tubes coming from his body. I walked over to the bed and heard the door close. I grabbed Kaden’s left hand and held it tight. Jatson rubbed my shoulders. I felt a tear hit my back and looked back. Jatson was crying. He wrapped his body around mine and overlapped my hand on Kaden’s.

“He looks so pale…” he whispered. “I know. Did he seem ok last night?” I asked. “Yeah, he was fine… Well not fine he was crying from the text you sent him.” I looked look and brushed his hair out of his face.  I hope he wakes up soon…

Jatson’s POV                                                                    

My baby looks so pale and helpless. It breaks my heart to see him like this. How could I not have seen this last night!? I let go of Josh and Kaden and walked to the other side of the bed. I sat down, careful of the wires, and pulled Kaden close. “Baby wake up please.” I whispered. He didn’t react. I ran my hand through his hair. “I’m glad I was at his house. without it he might be dead now…” I spoke.

“Don’t say that! Kaden would never die, he loves us too much to leave!” Josh screamed. I sighed, “I know baby.” Josh came over to me and pulled me towards him. I got off the bed and sat in the chair next to it. Josh moved onto my lap. He rested his head on my chest so my chin was on his head. I pulled his legs in closer and sighed. “It’s gonna be ok baby.” I whispered. He snuggled into my body.

I heard the door open and saw Gabe walk in. “Is Kaden ok?” he asked. “The doctor said he should be fine.” I answered. He sat down on the other side of the bed. “Josh I heard you crying last night what happened?” he asked. “I saw you and Jatson doing it.” Josh said back emotionless. Gabe froze for a second, his mouth hung open. “Josh… I’m sorry! I-.” “It’s ok. I’d rather have Jatson doing you then some skank with diseases.”

I chuckled then kissed Josh’s head. “I still shouldn’t have done it.” He leaned into me and I took Kaden’s hand. I felt him squeeze my hand back. He groaned and opened his eyes. I rubbed circles on his hand with my thumb. “Kaden, baby, how are you feeling?” I asked. He looked over and smiled, “Hi Josh, hi Jatson. What are you guys doing here?” he asked.

Josh answered, “You’re at the hospital. You fainted in your bathroom and Jatson called 911.” Kaden stared at me and Josh, “I’m hot.” Josh laughed a little. “I know baby. Do you want a cold towel or something?” I asked. He nodded his head and I got up. Josh moved off of me first. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I ran the cold water over it. I walked back out and placed it on his head.

He sighed and closed his eyes. “Thank you.” He said.  I kissed his cheek then went back to the chair. Josh sat on my lap while holding Kaden’s hand. My gosh it hasn’t even been 3 hours since I woke up and I’m already whipped out. I’m still happy that Josh forgave me. I started running my fingers through Josh’s and Kaden’s hair. “Josh did you forgive Jatson?” Kaden asked. “Yeah I did. Cus he’s the one who saved you.” Josh said back.

I heard Kaden hum a little. “You like this don’t you?” I asked him. “What do you mean?” “Being taken care of by me and Josh.” He nodded and leaned into my hand. We all heard the door open and saw a doctor come in. “Ok Mr. Ovela you can go home, just be sure to take this medicine and stay in bed. I would also like if someone stayed with him.”

I nodded and Josh took the medicine. A nurse came in and unhooked Kaden from everything. They placed him in a wheelchair. I took it from the nurse and wheeled Kaden out of the hospital. At the door he got up and I helped him onto my back. “Gabe we’re taking your car since I don’t have mine.” I spoke coldly. He nodded. We made it to his car. I opened the back door and place Kaden gentle in.

I ran over to the other side and threw open the door. I climbed in and pulled Kaden onto my lap. “If you need anything just tell me.” I said. He smiled at me and snuggled into me. “I love you Jatson. I love you to Joshy!” he said. Gabe started the car and drove to Kaden’s house. I felt Keden’s breathing even out. “Josh are you going to be staying with us?” I asked.

“Yeah I just need to grab some clothes from my house and I’ll be over.” I nodded and felt the car stop. He jumped out and Gabe started the car again. “So we’re really done?” Gabe asked. “I can’t keep cheating on them. Last night, when Kaden was sleeping in my arms, I just knew I couldn’t. Don’t you have anyone else you like?” I asked.

“Yeah… his names Sam. He’s in my bio class.” He said blushing. “What’s he look like?” “He has black hair and light blue eyes. In the right light they look gray. He’s about 6ft 3. He’s so defined and attractive.” He said drooling. “So why don’t you ask him out?” I asked. “He’s got a girlfriend…” I sighed and looked out the window. “He’ll come around. Just stop sleeping with everyone in sight and make him notice you a little.”

I felt the car stop and Gabe turn around. “Do you really think I can turn a straight guy gay?!” he asked. I nodded. He smiled and unlocked the doors. I picked Kaden up bridal style and got out of the car. “When you bring Josh back stay awhile maybe he can help to.” He nodded. I closed his door and walked up the walkway to Kaden’s house.

I pulled him over my shoulder and opened the door. I had left it unlocked when we left. I placed him on the couch. I left to grab a blanket and pillows. I came back and set them down. Picking him up, I placed him on a chair. I pulled out the couch cushions and grabbed the bed hidden underneath. I pulled it out. I placed the pillows on it. I grabbed Kaden and again laid down on the bed.

I pulled the blanket over the both of us. He snuggled into my side unconsciously. I kissed his head. I’m so glad he’s mine.

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My damaged little emo prince (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now