Chapter 47

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Time Capsule

Chapter 47




I couldn't stop the nagging feeling in my chest. Every part of me was just screaming.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

I had to do it. I'd waited too long. So many years, I dreamed about what her lips would feel like. All day today had just brought all my desires to an all time high.

Kiss her, Niall. Kiss her.

I noticed her jaw drop slightly in surprise, and my heart started beating ten times faster in my chest.

You're almost there. Kiss her.

My lips were on hers before I could stop myself. I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling, even if my life depended on it. My insides resembled the sky above us. My heart was bursting in my chest and there was a riot in my stomach. It all felt like a dream. This wasn't really happening. But it was. And I was loving every second of it.

Our lips moulded so perfectly together, like they were meant for each other. I was so thankful in the moment that the Ferris wheel was put on pause for the firework show. And I was even more thankful we ended up on top. It was like we were on top of the world. We had the moment all to ourselves. No one could see us up here.

Just me and her.

Her and I.

Just the two of us.

The kisses I used to have nearly every night, out of pure desperation and hurt, couldn't compare to this. It was sweet and perfect. I didn't want it to end. I didn't want the ride to start. I didn't want to have to go back home and share her with anyone. I wanted it to be just like this. Forever. Nothing in life would ever compare to this. This was definitely worth the 5 years I had to wait. Beyond worth it.

I had to force myself to pull away. Believe me when I say, I, by no means wanted to, but I had to catch my breath before I burst with excitement. I slowly opened my eyes to see hers still closed. She was completely flustered, and she looked exactly how I probably did. Absolutely content.

I took a quick glance over to my right to see the finale of the fireworks happening, but I didn't even care. It seemed like a cheap sparkler at a party compared to what I felt inside me. I stared back at her, waiting for her to open her eyes. When she finally did, they were sparkling. They were shining way brighter than any star in the Dublin sky above us.

A small smile crept up her face, as did mine. "That was better than what I dreamed it would be." She whispered so quietly.

"It was. What I was anticipating was shit compared to what I just felt." I whispered back, as I slowly brought my hand up to her cheek from her waist.

She suddenly started to blush and looked down embarrassed. I quickly lifted her chin to keep her eyes in line with mine.

"Hey, what's wrong."

"Nothing, it's stupid." She mumbled.

"Nothing's stupid when it comes to you." I soothed.

"That was...that was my first kiss...well, my first real, consensual kiss." She breathed out.

I felt only a mere sliver of anger flash through me at the thought of all those bastard forcing themselves on her. But at the moment, only just a sliver. I was too honored and happy to be her actual first kiss. I could deal with my anger towards them another time. The mood was too perfect for even that to ruin it.

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