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The next day I woke up in my bed, I guess I fell asleep in Jack's arms yesterday and he took me downstairs to my room, idk! But anyway I got up and changed then went downstairs. Kate wasn't here, probably work, I made myself breakfast while checking my phone. I was texting Andrea and also Jack, he kept telling me he wants to see me today, same with Andrea she wants me to hang with her and Kian, so I told Jack and he told me we could go out after, and I agreed. So, Kian passed by and picked me up, and we went over to Andrea's place and we hung out for a while.

We were talking together and I said "Guys... I really wanna tell you about something but idk"

They were in each other's arms, they both looked at me

Kian said "is everything okay?"

I smiled "yeah, yeah! Well, can you first off don't tell anyone, like actually"

Andrea said "yeah of course, for sure, why, you're scaring me"

I smiled "no don't worry it's good"

Kian said "oooohhhhh"

We laughed a little, then I said "so, umm, last night you know Jack came over or in other words Zion invited him without telling me"

We chuckled, Andrea said "yeah?"

I said "and when I was inside I found him coming in to the bathroom or something, and we happened to talk, umm, he told me him and Madison broke up, about two weeks ago"

Kian said "oh yeah we know that, nothing new! What happened"

I chuckled, they smiled "umm, we kissed"

They both had their jaws to the ground looking at me, Andrea said "shut the fuck up, are you serious" I nodded and giggled "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, that's amazing V, wtf"

I smiled and said "really, yeah I feel amazing, it was just like finally, oh my god, and then at night when everyone left he stayed, and we sat on the roof and we talked for so long!"

Kian was like "nice!"

We laughed a little, but they were both so happy.

Andrea said "idk why I'm so fucking happy, but girl I mean"

I giggled and said "dude I know, it's the best feeling in the world,"

Kian said "I'm so happy for you too!! Did he say anything?"

"yeah he told me like he's gonna appreciate every single second we spend together, he also said and I quote 'I promise I'll give you my all, I promise I'll love you with all my heart, I promise I'll listen, and be a good support system for you'"

Andrea gasped "awww oh my god I'm gonna cry, I'm seriously gonna fucking cry this is so beautiful and amazing"

I smiled "yeahh I'm so beyond happy, also he's nothing like Alex"

Kian said "bc Alex doesn't know how to fucking treat women, he's an asshole, Jack is a fucking gentleman, and he genuinely loves you and cares about you, I'm seriously so happy"

I smiled and said "I love you guys!"

"love you too V!" Kian said.

Andrea said "but wait, why don't you wanna tell anyone?"

I said "bc first off it's too soon for him to move on, and like if we tell anyone you don't really know what will happen, it might go public you know, and we don't want that!"

She nodded "yeah you're not wrong, also bc you two are famous figures now you know"

I shrugged, we chuckled then she said "oh is that why you came early today, bc you're going out with him after" I nodded "Aww oh my god, fuck dude you're one cute couple already!"

Kian smiled "baby calm down!"

Andrea smiled and looked up at him "noo they're cute, don't deny!"

He shrugged, they chuckled and kissed. I smiled and said"now you two are the cute ones!"

They smiled wide. I spent the rest of the afternoon with them. Then Jack came to pick me up,

Andrea smiled and said "oohh have fun you two!"

I smiled "thank you"

Kian said "love you V"

I said "I love you too"

Then I left, I went downstairs and found Jack waiting next to his car. He smiled wide when he saw me, I smiled too. He pulled me to him and kissed me.

"Hi" he said.

I giggled "hi"

He kissed me again, then he opened the passenger door for me.

I said "oh thank you very much!"

"my pleasure! Chivalry isn't dead babe"

we chuckled a little. then he came and sat in the driver's seat.

When we made it to the restaurant, from the outside he said "do you like my restaurant choice or?"

I smiled "yeah actually, I was gonna say it looks so nice, and I'm hungry so"

We chuckled, "yeah I'm starving tbh. Cmon"

We were lead by a waitress to our table. We sat down and immediately chose what we want to eat, then we ordered, and sat talking.

In the middle of the conversation, I said "Hey, I wanna tell you something!"

"yeah is everything okay" he said.

"yeah, I just told Kian and Andrea about us, I'm sorry"

"no, no don't be, hey it's totally fine, I saw that coming tbh, I mean they're your best friends, so"

We both smiled, I said "and you told Johnson didn't you?"

He cleared his throat "yeah!" we both laughed.

I said "they're the ones we spend all our time with so!"

He said "exactly, yeah, but he promised and swore he won't tell anyone else"

"Same with Kian and Andrea, hope they keep that promise"

"I know right" we chuckled.

Then the food was here, and we ate, it was so good! After we were done and were leaving.

He said "hey wanna come back to my place, Johnson's not in town so"

I smirked "yeah sure"

"okay let's go!" he said.

When we made it, we got out and into his place.

"Welcome to my crib, that is so fucking cringy I'm sorry" I giggled, he smiled and said "you haven't been here before have you?"

I said "I don't think so, no, but I love it"

"oh thank you, yeah"

We chuckled, he kissed me, I smirked mmm, fuck I love his kisses.

"I really didn't mean it in a dirty way when I offered for you to come back home with me, just so you won't take a wrong idea" he said.

I giggled "no it's fine, I know you're not that type of guy"

He nodded then kissed me again, then we went to the kitchen and got some snacks and sat watching friends and just talking, it was a very chill nice night.

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