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The flight wasn't so long, but I was so tired I slept the whole way back home! When we made it Kate was here to pick me up, and the boys' manager was here to pick them up. They said hi to Kate, 

Jack kissed me and said "see you later baby"

"see you" he kissed me again

He said "I love you"

I smirked "I love you too" then they left.

I got into the car with Kate, we kept talking together the whole car ride, and we got some food from In N' Out, when we made it home Kian, Jc, Andrea, and Chelsea were here!

Kate said "hello people who don't live here!"

They all laughed, then they saw me

Kian said "hii V" 

He hugged me tight, so did Jc, Chelsey and Andy. Kate went upstairs to shower, and they started eating so I joined.

Jc said "soo... you two exclusive, exclusive!"

I giggled "yeah I guess so"

Chels said "but god damn you two are fucking cute"

Andrea said "I fucking agree" 

I smiled and said "yeah, thanks... I guess"

We chuckled and Kian said "you been dating for two weeks now and you already posting cute shit, oh please tell us your secret" 

we chuckled I said "oh shut up, you and Andy are fucking goals" 

Chels said "true!"

We laughed a little then Andrea said "but seriously you got extremely close in no time, which I absolutely love!!"

I said "yeah! well... we have been in love with each other for more than a year now, and we're finally together so!"

Chels and Andrea were like aww. I giggled

Jc said "anyway, you said I love you to each other"

I nodded Chels said "aww, who said it first?"

"he did" I said.

"aww" we smiled.

Jc said "other than you and jack, how was NYC? Work, fashion shows"

We sat talking together, for a while, until it was getting late they all left. 

I went to take a shower and went to sleep.

*one month later*

Life has literally been so chill and low-key lately! Jack and I were taking breaks from work, he had just finished recording and all that, and I finished a lot of fashion shows and photo shoots, and everything, I don't have anything else till next month! We grew even closer if it's possible, from all the time we spend together, and it's just amazing! 

Kian's birthday is tomorrow, September 2nd, and we're also celebrating tomorrow, as well as Jc's birthday! Jc's birthday is on the 11th, but they decided to make it a 'KnJ' birthday party! Jack's birthday is also next week on the 10th, and I have a surprise set for him, I hope he likes it really! I got tickets to Hawaii, for the both of us, Kian and Corey are also coming, but like just bc they want to go to Hawaii, they'll let us have our 'romantic' time I guess, haha! 

Anyway, Jack stayed over last night, so when we woke up we took turns showering then got ready. 

He smiled and said "you look so beautiful my love"

I smiled "thank you baby" 

He kissed me and said "cmon"

Then he held me good from behind and we took a few cute mirror selfies, then we left a little early to go to Kian's. Yeah we went before anyone came just so we can hang with him you know, the calm before the storm.

When we made it, I said "hello birthday boyy" 

He smiled wide "hii V!" I hugged him tight.

Then Jack hugged him, I handed him his birthday gift.

Kian said "oh stop! Shut the fuck up! V you know I don't want anything!!" 

I smirked "yeah well, it's all for you birthday boy"

We chuckled he hugged me "thank you anyway"

He kissed my cheek, then I went to Jc

"Mr. Justin, happy 25th birthday"

he shook his head "dude! shut up i'm getting fucking old"

we laughed a little, he hugged me tight. Then I went to say hi to everyone else! The prettymuch boys came as well, and we had a fucking blast! Jack and I went back to my place and you know umm yeah it was a fun night!

The next day Andrea, Jc, Corey, Bobby, Franny, Jack and I are taking Kian out for a birthday brunch, we know it was yesterday but still celebrations aren't over! We had brunch out and then went to the grove and spent the day just walking around and having a good time there! The next day I stayed in, and spent the day with Kate and Rick, oh yeah they are pretty serious, and I love them together, for real, they're so cute! As we were watching a movie, I was sitting in the short part of our L couch, and texting Jack. He was as usual making me smirk and smile and everything!

Kate threw a pillow at me "oww! Heyy!"

We chuckled I looked at her, and she said "are we keeping you from anything or what?"

"no we're just texting, he's got some meetings today anyway" I said.

Rick said "oohh what kind of texting"

We couldn't help but laugh so fucking hard "eeww no Rick!! Oh my god!!" I said.

We kept laughing, then after a bit, I told them I'm going to sleep, then I went to my room and Jack and I facetimed, and kept talking till he actually fell asleep, aww, baby he looks so precious and cute!

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