twenty nine

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Okay... Those were an intense few days, it wasn't even a birthday weekend, it was a birthday week!! But hey, I'm not complaining, you only turn 21 once, am I right?

Anyway, it was kind of  like a back to reality realization. First, I'm going with Jack to Nebraska for thanksgiving and I'm meeting his parents! Second, I gotta start focusing on the maid of honor duties!! 

I was hanging out with Andrea, Chelsey, and Franny at my place, the boys are coming later at night. Everyone is leaving tomorrow to go back home for thanksgiving, so we're hanging out together for the day. But I was a little like zoned out, and I didn't even notice it! 

The girls were laughing about something, and I didn't even notice, Andrea said "dude you okay?" 

I looked at her and said "hmm, yeah yeah, I'm good!" and smirked a little. 

Fran said "okay, that was for sure lying! What's up, talk to us" 

I took a deep breath and said "it's extremely stupid guys," 

Chelsey said "and what are we here for exactly, all the stupid shit! So, spill!!" 

I said "okay, well I - ummm, I'm scared to meet Jack's parents, and spend a few days with them, I don't know, I just-"

Andrea said "well let me just stop you right there. It is very normal to feel that way, I mean we've all been there." 

Chelsey said "yeah V, and especially you are in love with him. Let me just remind you that I'm in the same spot as you, I am meeting Jc's parents for the first time ad staying with them for a few days. Is it scary? Yes! But I mean I fucking love that dude, so much, and I know that it's going to go perfectly"

I smirked and nodded, I truly feel the same way as Chelsey, it's just the nerves you know. But I have to step out of it.

Fran said "also, would have Jack actually asked you to go with him if he believed his parents wouldn't like you? think about that!" 

Andrea said "Truee!!" 

I actually needed to talk to them about it, because they all have a point, I shouldn't be this scared, I should be happy bc now I know what I mean to Jack!

At night when everyone left, I was on the couch with Jack, I said "can you stay the night?" 

He said "sure yeah, I really didn't wanna leave anyway" 

I giggled, and looked up at him and kissed him. He ran his hand through my hair, being in his arms right now is literally all I needed. 

The next day he left to go finish up with packing, same here, I had to close my suitcase and pack all the last minute shit. Our flight is at night, so we're going to make it in the morning. When I was done, Jack & Jack both passed by in an uber, yeah Johnson is going also! 

When we made it to Nebraska, Jack's dad was here to pick us up. I have no idea why but my heart started pounding. Idk why I feel this way, it's fine, god damn it. Jack hugged his dad tight, then he said "dad I would like you to meet Violet, my girlfriend. Babe this is my dad, David!" 

I smiled, so did he, "oh Violet it's so nice to finally meet you." 

I smirked "it's so nice to meet you too David" 

he even hugged me, like damn, I think I shouldn't be this stressed, he seems extremely nice. In the car Jack said "who's home right now dad?" 

David said "well your mum and Laura, Molly still hasn't landed" 

"oh great!" 

"Are you two planning on doing anything while you're here?" David said.

"Honestly not really, I of course wanna take the chance that she's here and show her around my childhood home, but other than that nothing, right babe" 

I smirked and said "yeah, I'm seriously just happy to be here, it already feels like home!" 

Jack smiled wide, and put his hand back and held mine, I smirked and rubbed it. When we made it to his house, it looks so nice and just warm, and cozy. His mum opened for us and took him in a cute tight hug, then he introduced me to her, she is so beautiful and nice, I love her so much already. 

She said "oh my god, you're even more beautiful in person. Come here" 

then she hugged me tight, wow I actually miss a mother's feeling, nothing like that feeling.

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