Jealousy and Rescuing

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Yey!! Arthur to the rescue for his darling love.
After being kidnap by the O'Driscolls,Arthur went after you.
But,just read it.Then you'll know why you were kidnap.


The sun shed its ray unto your rosy cheeks,you were in a really bad head ache.
But at least,you are sober now.
But that's not just the reason why you were feeling the ache.

You smiled,recalling the events last night.You were drunk with Arthur,then you did 'it'...
Satting up,laying your back on the crown of the bed,you glanced at Arthur..who was still asleep and snoring.

You chuckled slightly.
Quietly,you got up being careful not to wake him or make him stir.

But to no avail...

He got your waist and pulled you back to his chest,snuggling.He kissed your bare shoulders.

"(Y/n),and where do you think you're going?" He asked,cockily smiling at you.Yes,he can be so cocky sometimes but what can you do? You love it.

"Going to get dressed,why?" You cocked an eyebrow to him as he laughs and grips you stronger.

"Do you think i am done with you?" He told you,carrying you on to the nearest wall and kissing you.
You both pulled away for air.

"Arthur..darling.You know i can't handle all of your man power just like what you did last night"
You stated,in a matter-of-fact tone.He slightly chuckled at you.

"(Y/n).." he said,finally putting you down on the ground.
"Sorry...if i hurt you in that way"

You smiled.

"Last Night? No...that was perfect!! If i can do that again i would love to.But Dutch needs us back"

Regrettable but true...yes.The whole Gang might be needing you right now.
Finally,you picked up your clothes that was on the floor.

As bending down,you let Arthur get a sneak peek of your arse. 

"C'mon! (Y/n)! You're ass is gonna make me aroused now" he surrendered.
You laughed at him,almost dropping at the floor.

"I know.Just making sure it could still work" you winked,now getting dressed.He was also getting dressed,behind you.

"You know,I love you so fucking much" he said,wrapping his hands on your waist and kissing the top of your head.
You giggled like a child.

"I love you too Arthur"

You were finished and got out of the room with grins on your faces as leaving.

You were an outlaw too,no doubt.Arthur found you on the middle of the storm,alone and freezing.He took you in.

Arthur then learned that you were an outlaw and got you in the Van Der Linde Gang.
Where Dutch became your second father.


"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Arthur asked you.You really didn't realized that you paused for a bit.

"Y-yeah" you said,with a reassuring smile.
He only smiled back and nodded.

"Well,let's go back.Dutch and the gang is waiting"

"Even Javier?"you teasingly and a playful affectionate said.

"Oh,well.I don't know.I mean-wh-why would you ask? D-did he did somethin?" He asked,bit annoyance and jealousy on his raspy voice.

" 'miss him" you added.
He frowned,hiding away his face.But you instantly saw this.
" 'am just teasing pretty boy."

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