Bonus Chapter -- 4 (Last)

111 3 3

(September 17,1926)

Arthur and (Y/n) both knew it.
They all blamed it to one problem.
It was hair loss....

They both knew it, (Y/n) definitely knew it. It was cancer.... lung cancer.

She doesn't really smoke, but as the doctor said, it could be harboured through second person smoking..
Meaning, that (Y/n) might have been
affected by Arthur's smoking.

"I'm sorry...(y/n)" Arthur sorrowed and apologized, for what might have been the billionth time.
"If I wasn't just plain stupid I would've.."

(Y/n) shush him with a tender but passionate kiss, it wasn't long, she coughed. Arthur just looked down
as tears were escaping.

"Don't cry, love" she whispered...
"It ain't your fault... don't cry for an
old woman like me, well, maybe cry but then move on." she said, (Y/n) cupped his chin to look directly in his blue, ravishing eyes.

"you're still beautiful" Arthur said,
pulling her on a tight hug. It was all too late. She only has few days left on this cruel world.

They stayed there, just embracing each other, Arthur made it longer,
you never know what will happen.


"She's now weak... mom might not make it..." Damian sadly said, Avery and Shane were also certain. It has been days since their mom got bedridden.

"I refuse to believe it" Avery still confronted, she was as stubborn as a horse.

"What do you mean you don't believe it?" Shane firmly said, his mouth on a thin line.
"Believe it or not Avery, our mother's dying. Life ain't always like those fairy tales ya have always read"

Their sister stood silent, they were right. It was about time for their mom to rest. It was all sudden, to be frank.

"I'm sorry bout what's happening, Shane, Avery... but, we all have to face it, together" Damian said, looking at them.

Their dad have been with their mom,
since the start, they all knew that he won't leave her till the end.

"We can only hope for a miracle"
Shane said, glancing at the door and back to his siblings.


"*cough*" (Y/n) coughed while looking so pale and her eyes, blood shot.
Arthur woke up, gasping.

"Are ya alright, my love?" Arthur asked. She just smiled. (Y/n) looked at the clock, it was time.

"Arthur Morgan, I love you so much"
she started, tears streaming down her face as she cupped his cheek.
"Thank you so much, for being with me, through these years...."

And with that, she withdrew her 3 last heartbeats, 3 last breaths and 3 last words;

"In Another Life...." she breathed out.
On that day, 3:49 am, September ,17, 1926, Arthur Morgan lost the love of his life....


(Song by Half Blood)

Don't let go oh,
I love you so
No one's gotta die
No one's gotta kill

In this life where
everything was pitch black
You set fire in the rain
Don't let go, oh
Don't, don't.

After all those 41 (or so) years of happiness at each other's arms,
It felt like numb, Arthur felt numb..
The sound of (y/n)'s last words were all left of her, and it kept repeating
in his life.

Why does everything needs to
be selfish?!
Why does everything needs
to be through?!
Why did God let you drift away...?

It was all back to normal.
Him, 10 years old, all alone, no one to....
Wait, what was he thinking?
He still had three loving children!

He needs to be strong for them.
And they should be strong for him.
They will get through this!
They will.....hope.


(Y/n) (L/n)-Morgan

a loving mother, wife,
friend and companion.

Will never be forgotten.
Always loved.

May 9,1870 - September 17,1926

From her husband, Arthur.
Their children, Damian, Avery and Colonel Alexander.

"In Another Life..."


"In Another Life"

Written By: Jane_Leslie_Frye

Started: March 6,2019

Ended: May 21,2019

Additional Chapters Written on:
July 29,2019, published: N/a

Chapter Count: 40 Chapters.

Additional Chapters: 4 Bonus Chapters.

Story Based from Rockstar Game's
Red Dead Redemption II, October 26th 2018

All characters (and plots) rightfully and respectfully was made and belongs to Rockstar Games.

This, is a work of fan fiction.
I do not intend to copy and own
the characters. Author only owns
the reader info and what not.


Author's Note

Here we are, very last page,
I poured all my heart and soul
to do and finish this story.
Although, ya can till have more RDR
content comin' from me!

-Red Dead Chatroom
- Sands of Time

Thank you, for sticking with me,
I hope I have done great service
on quenching your thirst for the main man Arthur Morgan.

And before I get the fuck out,
Remember, freshavocado!

Now, I'll go fuck off!

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