Honor,to those who died.

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"Goddamn It! we lose Hosea there!
We lose Kieran there! Who's next?" John said, clearly pissed off.
Arthur just looked down and realized something.

"that kid prove himself to me...." he said, taking his hat off and putting it in his chest.

"I see smoke" John said, gesturing up the mountain.

Arthur and John was very pissed off.
They lost many.
Jenny,Mac and Sean.

Now they lost Lenny,Hosea and Kieran there.

" ..and Lenny" Arthur said, John frowned and just salute all of those who risk their lives to save theirs and the others.

"Goddamn!" John cursed more as he silently weep, worrying about his family too.

Arthur wanted to make the scene a little bit lighter but..he can't.

"(y/n)...my children" Arthur said.
Making John gasp.

"I got twins Marston...that's why I am so worried about this shoot out.
I don't want my twins to grow up fatherless.....like me" Arthur answered, silently weeping too.

"I haven't seen you so soft like these Arthur" John admitted,chuckling lightly.

"me too John...me too" Arthur said, also chuckling slightly.


(y/n) hiccuped herself to sleep as Sadie and Mary-Beth told her to.

Abigail calmed down while Pearson and Tilly cooked dinner. Abigail still looked at the road near the temporary camp as she waited for her husband and Arthur.

Sadie offered her coffee but she kindly refused and just sat there, silent while Jack slept beside (y/n).

She was partly hopeful and hopeless to see her husband alive with Arthur.
Abigail hissed, it was all Micah's fault.

She had been suspecting Micah some few months ago. About dropping the whole gang to the Pinkertons for himself and his so called reward.

Abigail cursed.
Each minute without John is insanity for her and she knows that (y/n) feels that with Arthur too.

She glances back to (y/n) and her son, Jack who were peacefully sleeping.

"I should get back there" Sadie said
"gotta see what's happened to them".

Shortly, two familiar horses had arrive with two familiar faces.

Arthur and John.

"J-John?" Abigail called
She ran towards John and hugged him tightly, John smiled. Jack also ran to them, he awoke with Abigail's call.

Sadie saw Arthur and smiled.
"uh,I'm gonna wake (y/n)"
Sadie said.

"no. Lemme go to her"

Sadie smiled and went to Pearson who was setting the table with Tilly and Mary- Beth.


Mary-Beth looked at John and noticed something

"w-where are the others?" Mary asked. Abigail agreed

John just hissed and answered.

"God...Javier,Micah,Dutch and Bill flew while Me,Hosea,Arthur and Kieran and Lenny Fought. I told Swanson to get out." John said, frowning.
"Hosea died there, prob'ly got shot but I saw him fall...to be honest...it cracked my heart.... until Kieran told me and Arthur to go...he sacrificed himself to save us...maybe you heard the ..erm... explosion."

Mary-Beth sat, hands on her face as she cried,Tilly comforted her and talked to her.

"poor man..." Pearson said, tapping John's shoulder.
"such a hero..."

"and Lenny too" John added.
"Goddamn,they thought I needed a second chance"


Arthur lay beside (y/n) who was sleeping. He embraced her in his arms and tried to sleep but (y/n) stirred.

He sat up,and watched his lovely woman opening her eyes, just shocked to see him.

"hey sweet heart...lovely to see you" he smiled, sheepishly.

(y/n) gasped, and hugged him tightly.

"I THOUGHT I LOST YOU! YOU BASTARD!!" she almost screamed in glee as she hugged him harder.
Arthur chuckled and hugged her back.

"Dutch,Bill,Micah and Javier flew.
Hosea,Lenny and Kieran died saving me and John" he said...making (y/n) weep a little.

"I...I'm just glad you're back..." (y/n) stuttered, looking down

"I am gonna find those asses one day and shoot them...Even Micah's grave" Arthur said.

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