(A/n): Quick apology for this chapter because it's mainly just a filler chapter and it's kinda short
Third Person pov:
The day after the whole troll incident, it was obviously all anyone could talk about, which resulted in the four friends becoming the talk of the school. Within the first few days of school, (Y/n) had already created a name for herself with the whole talking back to Snape since it was so unheard of. However, this event caused even more eyes cast upon the girl as she walked through the mainly empty corridors of the castle.
When (Y/n) arrived at breakfast early the day after the 'incident' she was greeted by people she's never talked to of older years asking her many questions about what happened the previous night. Being the true Gryffindor she was, she thrived on the attention, yet after the first twenty people were talking to her, it was getting quite tiring. That was until Harry had arrived and soon became the one to be bombarded with questions. The crowd soon died down, after getting the same story from both first years and Harry took a seat next to his friend.
"That was a lot of people," he let a breath out and grabbed some bacon onto his plate.
"Yeah, and who woulda thought these many students would be up at six-forty in the morning?" The young girl laughed. Both Gryffindors took in the small number of students eating this early in the morning, mainly containing Gryffindor quidditch players. Harry and (Y/n) were some of the only Gryffindor first years eating this early and were the only ones in their friend group eating this early, so they mainly kept to themselves.
"Are you excited for our first official quidditch practice?" Harry asked after a few moments of comfortable silence.
"Yeah, except I'm scared for how people will react with first years on the team," (Y/n) replied.
"You're right, I guess we've got a lot to prove." Harry smiled at his friend who returned one. The conversation between the two first years went on smoothly which made both Harry and (Y/n) feel as if they had known each other prior to meeting one another at Hogwarts. They both shared a similar sense of humor, though (Y/n)'s was slightly darker.
"I think we should get going," (Y/n) said to Harry as she saw people on the Gryffindor Quidditch passing by the front of the great hall.
"Agreed," Harry said as the two began to walk out of the hall.
The two of them walked quickly down to the quidditch pitch, not wanting to be the last ones there. They made it on time and quickly changed into their quidditch gear before meeting up with everyone on the field.
Practice went by smoothly and Harry and (Y/n) felt as if they had proved themselves and how well they could play. By the end of practice, sweat was slightly dripping down (Y/n)'s arms because controlling a broom is much harder than you'd think.
"Nice job today!" (Y/n) ran up to Harry who had already started to walk back to the castle.
"You too!" He replied with a smile.
"I can't wait for our first game!" As much as (Y/n) tried, she couldn't suppress the smile forming on her face.
"Same here!"
A/n: This chapter sucked ass I'm sorry but I'll try to update when I can, it's been a rough week

Daughter of the Unknown-- YEAR ONE (Dracoxreader)
FanfictionFirst Book of the Daughter of the Unknown Series!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Y/n) was adopted by the Weasley family when she was a one year old, and ten years later, it's now time for her and Ron to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiza...