Chapter Twenty-Seven- Into the Woods

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~~Magical time skip brought to you by my lack of updates~~

~I now bring you to the dragon egg hatching scene, enjoy!~

"Uhh, Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Harry questioned pointing to a round object.

  "That? It's a... it's um..."

"I know what that is! But, Hagrid, how did you get one?" Ron questioned. (Y/n) stared at the object before realizing that it's a dragon egg.

    "I won it. Off a stranger I met down at a pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid off it, as a matter of fact," Hagrid replied. Before he could say anything more, the eggs rattles and cracks as a dragon emerges. The children's jaws dropped to the floor at the glimpse of a real dragon.

  "Is that... a dragon?" Asked Hermione.

  "That's not just a dragon..." I begin.

"Thats a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania." Ron finished my thought.

   "Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him, look. He knows his mummy. Hehe, hallo Norbert." The dragon squeaks in response.

 "Norbert?" Harry asks.

    "Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?" Ron and (Y/n) chuckle at the silly name. "Don't you, Norbert?" Hagrid tickles under the dragons chin and, to no one's surprise, the dragon spit fire into Hagrid's beard. "Ohh! Well... he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course." (Y/n) goes to pet Norbert, who looks visibly content with the pats he got and nuzzled into her hand.

  While putting out the fire with his mitt, Hagrid looks straight ahead through the window to see a figure standing there. "Who's that?" The Gryffindors all whips their heads to where Hagrid was looking to see a blonde head whip out of sight.


"Oh, dear," Hagrid says.

    "We should probably go back to the castle," Hermione suggests.

  "You're right, he definitely told someone." (Y/n) swallows the anxious lump in her throat. The four speed walked back up the hill and into the castle, hours after curfew.

  "Hagrid always wanted a dragon. He told me so the first time I met him," Harry mentions.

 "It's crazy. And worse, Malfoy knows," Ron replies.

    "I don't understand. Is that bad?" Harry asks.

  "It's bad," (Y/n) sighs out, seeing her godmother ahead of them in the corridor.

"Good evening," McGonagall says in an aggressive tone while Malfoy peers out from behind her. "Follow me." She leads the four Gryffindors and Malfoy into her classroom and stands behind her desk.

  As they walk through the rows of desks (Y/n) catches the stare of the Malfoy boy. 'You're dead' she mouths to the blonde haired boy. He just sends a smirk in response.

"Nothing, I repeat nothing, gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken and we will be sending letters to each of your parents and guardians." The four kids' jaws fell once again. (y/n) especially was scared, knowing Snape would surely murder her.

   "Fifty?!" Harry exclaims.


  "You're joking!" (Y/n) adds.

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