Chapter Thirty-Two- We're Not Going Home-- Not Really

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   (Y/n) found herself, much like many others, scrambling to pack last minute things and heading off to the train. Her, Everley, and Viviana were soon all packed up and made their way out of the castle, saying bye to the professors on their way.

     (Y/n) made special care to give lasting hugs to her father and godmother and she could've sworn her father was tearing up though he'd never admit to it.

"Come on now. Hurry up, you'll be late! Train's leaving. Go on. Come on, hurry up," Hagrid said in the distance.

  "(Y/n) come on we need to get a compartment together!" Viviana exclaimed as (Y/n) was hugging her dad. Quickly the girl pulled away and went to follow her friend.

     "Bye dad, I'll see you soon!" (Y/n) exclaimed with one last look to her father. Walking to the train, she left her trunk with one of the people helping to pack the train and followed Everley into an empty compartment. As the train started to move Harry, Ron, and Hermione soon joined the other trio and sat directly across from them.


   Nine hours and multiple naps later the group got the warning that they would soon be approaching Kings Cross in mere minutes.

     "You all better promise to write to me," (Y/n) said as she wrote down her address at her dad's house on spare parchment to give to the other trio.

   "We will!" She got as a response in unison. Soon enough the prefects were dismissing compartments one by one and the large group of Gryffindors walked off the train and Ron and (Y/n) were immediately greeted by Molly and Arthur in a large hug. (Y/n) introduced her two friends who also got hugs from Molly to no surprise.

     "Harry where's your family?" (Y/n) asked in the crowded station.

   "My uncle's right over there." Harry pointed to a bigger older man with a stern yet overwhelmed face. "I'll see you soon, okay? Have a great summer." The two hugged as Harry went quickly to his uncle.

     "Hey mom!" Viviana exclaimed as a woman with sleek black hair walked up behind her daughter.

       "Mom! Dad!" Everley screamed with excitement as a couple approached them. The Weasley's, Belmore's, Green's and Granger's stood talking for a few minutes before they decided to retreat to their homes. The girls said their sad goodbyes but promised once more to write the whole summer.

   The whole ride home was spent with Ron and (Y/n) gushing about their first year at Hogwarts, leaving out all the bad parts of course, and the two couldn't wait for their second year at the magical castle.


Wow!!! Book one finished and it honestly feels like I just came home from Hogwarts and I'm lowkey sad hahaha I really hope you guys enjoyed I will be starting book two asap!!

   Also I may be going back and filling in the spots I skipped lol but for now I hope you liked it :))

Okay time to go reread this book then work on the second one!

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