Chapter Twenty Four- Birthday II

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This chapter's very long please enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :)) By far my fav chapter to write so far

After a long and boring herbology class, it was finally lunch and free time to do whatever, which for (Y/n) meant a taking a fat nap in her dorm. She found herself walking back to her dorm alone since everyone else had some weird reason to leave her. I didn't know Hogwarts had a knitting club, (Y/n) thought as she remembered Fred and George's excuse.

"Caput Draconis," (Y/n) said to the fat lady who opened up.

"Surprise!" All of her friends stood up from behind couches and under tables with large smiles plastered across their faces. A homemade sign saying Happy Birthday (Y/n) hung from the ceiling and everyone was wearing party hats.

     "Happy birthday, (Y/n)!" Ron said and gave his sister a large hug.

  "Thank you all! I really don't want today to be a big deal though."

"But your birthday's a big deal!" Everley said back. (Y/n) smiled at the comment as her eyes made their way to the large stack of presents in the middle of the room.

"Okay, you guys did not get me all of these. There has to be at least fifteen!"

"We got some of them, the others are from... uhh... other people," Harry said. (Y/n) cocked her head in response but shrugged and made her way to the large stack of gifts.

The first gift was from Molly and Arthur, and it was a pair of knit mittens which was convenient since it was the start of November. Ginny insisted on getting her sister a present by herself since she was getting older, so (Y/n) got a separate gift of candies from her favorite candy store in Diagon Alley. The third gift came from Fred, George, Ron, and Percy and was an enchanted maroon and gold lion paw necklace that would let out a small roar if you said a spell.

     The fourth gift came from Hermione, who asked Percy to get it while in Hogsmeade, as was a small fake plant used for decoration that would do a different dance every time you touched the pot. Another present was from Harry, who did go a bit overboard since he knows what it's like to not get anything on your birthday and after seeing his vault he knew he could spend a bit more. He had Fred and George get her personalized golden snitch with her name on it that would follow her around whenever she chose.

  Another gift was combined by Everley and Viviana. They both got their best friend a matching bracelet, necklace, and earring set that was silver and had the Hogwarts crest on the necklace.

  After getting gifts from her friends and family the remaining mound of presents had unclear senders. The first one she opened was one packaged in a small bag with a lot of tissue paper. Inside it contained a thin photo album with only around ten slots for pictures. The front was titled 'Rosalie Thompson'.

"What's that?" Fred asked peering over.

   "Hey guys, I appreciate all of this, but could I open these by myself, they're umm... a little personal."

Everyone looked around puzzled, except for those knowing, and nodded, walking away. Everyone except for Harry.

"Mind if I stay?" He asked and took a seat next to the girl who shook her head no.

"It's my mom." (Y/n) showed Harry the title of the album and opened the first page. It was her first getting on the train, the photo had to have been taken by one of her grandparents. It was titled: first day of her first year. She flipped the page to the next picture which was her still in her first year hugging a red-haired girl by a fire. Title: the first friend each other made (Lily Evans). (Y/n) looked to Harry for his reaction, and a small smile appeared on his face.

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