Chapter Twenty-Eight- More Mysteries to Come

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  The walk back to the castle was deadly silent, as it was nearing half to midnight and the young children's eyes would close for a second or two. After what felt like hours, Hagrid led the five students back to Professor McGonagall's office.

    "Here yer are, Professor. They can hardly keep awake at this hour!" Hagrid said to the older witch.

  "Thank you, Hagrid." To that, the half-giant nodded and went back to his hut. "Well, I hope you five learned a valuable lesson tonight.

"Yup, don't get caught out after hours," (Y/n) yawned with a response to which McGonagall raised an eyebrow followed by a quick smile.

   "Off to bed, then." As soon as they could, the four Gryffindors walked back to their common room.

  When the four Gryffindors entered their common room Harry all of a sudden became more awake and demanded the other three sit on the couch and began to explain his run in with old Voldy in the forest.

      "You mean you-know-who's out there right now in the forest?" Hermione asked.

  "But he's weak. He's living off the unicorns. Don't you see? We had it wrong! Snape doesn't want the Stone for himself; he wants the Stone for Voldemort. With the Elixir of Life, Voldemort will be strong again. He'll... he'll come back," Harry explained while (Y/n) let out a hefty yawn.

  "But, if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to... kill you, do you?" Ron questioned.

   "Ron think about oldy Voldy then think about the question you just asked," (Y/n) sassed and Ron visibly put two and two together.

  "I think if he'd had the chance, he might've tried to kill me tonight." Ron took a big gulp of air and sighed.

"And to think I've been worrying about my Potions final."

     "Meh potions smotions," (Y/n) waved it off half-asleep.

   "Well that's easy for you to say," Ron crossed his arms with a huff while his sister smirked.

"Hang on a minute," Hermione said trying to stay on topic, "We're forgetting one thing. Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared? Dumbledore. As long as Dumbledore's around, Harry, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched."

    "I guess you're right Hermione." Harry looked down. "Well I think we all need a good nights sleep after this eventful night." The others nodded in agreement and made their way up the spiral stairs.

  "Goodnight guys," Ron said to the girls, who waved bye as they closed the door to the girls' dormitories.

"Goodnight, 'Mione," (Y/n) said and got a half-asleep groan in response. As soon as (Y/n) opened the door to her dorm, she face planted on her bed, falling asleep within seconds.


  The following week was finals week. The most dreaded week for all Hogwarts students. (Y/n) found herself spending more time in the library in the last three days than the rest of the year combined. Luckily for her, Hermione was almost never busy and her friend was always there to help lend a hand with studying... even if it was the night before.

     "Okay but how can I not remember simple words? This makes no sense." (Y/n) buried her face into her hands as she couldn't remember a simple pattern of spells for transfiguration.

  "It's okay, we've been studying for almost three hours I think you just need a break," Hermione said and stood up from her chair. "Let's go back to the common room and come back in a couple of hours or so."

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