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Leigh walked into the house she shared with her boyfriend. She kicked off the heels and groaned. She had a long day at work. She worked as a PA at Waterloo Road. It was where she had met her boyfriend.

Leigh frowned when she heard moans coming from upstairs. She just assumed that Max was giving himself pleasure. But then she heard another woman.

Leigh walked upstairs into the bedroom. She opened the bedroom door and felt her heart break into a thousand pieces. "What the hell?"

Max pulled away from the woman. He paled when he saw Leigh. "Leigh. This isn't what it looks like."

"Really? It looks like you've got your dick in another slag!" She yelled.

"Who you calling a slag?" The woman asked.

Leigh turned to her and glared. "You, you daft cow. I suggest you get my boyfriend out your no doubt infected vagina and leave," she spat.

As soon as she had gone, Leigh looked at Max. "You absolute wanker! Why would you do this? Don't I give you sex? Don't I make it good for you?!" She yelled.

Max sighed. "Leigh. It was a moment of weakness."

"That moment of weakness has wrecked it all! We're over," Leigh said as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

Max frowned. "Leigh. You don't mean it."

"I do. I'll stay in the spare bedroom tonight and then tomorrow after work, I'm going," Leigh said. Even thought they had bought the house together, Leigh couldn't stay there.

"Sleep in the bed. Please."

Leigh shook head. "Sleep in the bed where you shagged someone else? No chance," she said.


The next morning Leigh got dressed and sighed. She walked downstairs and saw Max. He walked over to her. He saw she had been crying all night.

Max took her hand. "We can work through this. I know we can."

"We can't though. It's too broken. You broke my heart. How can I face your sister after this? She's been my constant support after losing my mum and dad," she said.

Max knew his sister was going to kill him. He had broken Leigh's heart and his sister wouldn't take too kindly to him cheating on Leigh.

Leigh went into work and sighed. She saw Tom and the tears hit her cheeks. Tom frowned. "What's happened?" He asked.

"M-Max. He cheated on me," she sobbed.

Tom held her close. He knew how much Leigh loved Max and how broken she was. Tom sighed. "It will be okay."

Max was in a foul mood. Everyone could tell. Rachel looked at him. "What's got you in a bad mood?" She asked.

"Mind your own business. I'm not in the mood for it," Max spat. He wasn't in the mood for Rachel's interference.

Leigh walked into the office and sat down. Max came out. "I didn't think you would be here."

"I said after work I would be moving out. Just don't talk to me unless it's work related," Leigh mumbled.

Max walked back into the office and sighed. Leigh tried to hide her tears. Could she ever forgive Max?

Especially when her whole life would be flipped upside down?

Not Over Between Us {Waterloo Road}Where stories live. Discover now