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Leigh looked up as Max walked into the office. She smiled at him but said nothing. He had been avoiding her for a couple of weeks. She didn't know what she had done either.

Leigh stood up and sighed. She walked into the office. "Is everything okay? You've been avoiding me," she said.

Max said nothing. He looked at her. "Is everything okay with the baby?" He asked.

"Yes. Everything is fine. I want to know why you're ignoring me. What have I done? As far as I'm aware, I haven't done anything," she said.

Max sighed and looked down at the paperwork in front of him. Leigh swore. "Will you stop putting this place first? It was always this place. Maybe that's why our relationship messed up!"

"Calm down. Think of the baby."

"I don't care right now. I wanna have this out. Why have you been avoiding me? I know you and I know you're definitely ignoring me," Leigh said. She looked at him. "I can't do this anymore Max. We're done. For good."

Lexi saw Leigh sitting in her car. She walked over and climbed in the passenger seat. "What's happened?" She asked.

"Your brother. He's ignoring me and I don't know what I've done wrong. He's been like this since the gender scan and I can't help but think he's not happy since the baby is a girl," she mumbled.

Lexi was fuming. She looked at Leigh. "I'm going to kill him."

"It's not worth it. I've been asking myself why he's been ignoring me. I can't do this anymore. He cheated on me, he's the one ignoring me. But I feel like I'm at fault? I can't do this anymore."

Lexi took her hand. "You're not to blame. Max is. He's the one acting like a dick. You can't let him win."

Lexi stormed into the office. Max looked up. "There is a door there you know."

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Cut the crap. Leigh is in tears. She thinks you're not happy the baby is a girl. You need to wise up Max and realise that she's having your baby. I don't know why you're ignoring her. Or treating her like she's not existing. But you need to sort it out."

Max rolled his eyes. "This doesn't concern you. So I suggest you turn around and walk out now."

"No. You can't intimidate me like when we were younger. You're a piece of crap Max. A heavily pregnant woman is breaking her heart."

Leigh returned to the office. Max came out. "Thanks for that. I've had Lexi in here telling me how you can't handle this anymore," he said.

Leigh shrugged. "I don't care. Leave me alone."

Max looked at her. "For your information, I'm thrilled the baby is a girl. But don't ever question that I don't care or want my child," he said.

Leigh looked at him. "Leave me alone. As soon as I've had the baby, I'm going back to London."

Max frowned. He wasn't going to lose Leigh. Or his little girl. But could he make things work before she took their baby and left?

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