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A/N - Lexi Tyler and any kiddies belong to Carolineeexx

Leigh had avoided Max ever since she found him in bed with someone else. She hated him for putting her through it all. She didn't know how she could heal her heart.

When she woke that morning, she saw a text from Max and one from his sister. Leigh deleted the one from Max but read the one from his sister, Lexi

I'm so sorry for what my brother has done. He's a jerk - Lexi x

Leigh didn't reply. She was too heartbroken.

Leigh walked into work and sighed. She saw Max walking towards her. "Where have you been staying?" He asked.

"With my mum. She's not impressed," Leigh mumbled as she looked down. She knew if she looked into his eyes, she would fall in love again.

Max sighed. "I truly am sorry Leigh. I love you."

Leigh shrugged. "I don't know what to say. You broke my heart," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry."

Leigh sat in the office at the desk. She grabbed her phone to check the date and paled. Her period was late. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to be pregnant. Especially after her and Max broke up. It wasn't the right time.

Leigh text Lexi:

I need you to pick me up a pregnancy test. Please. I'll give you the money back - Leigh xx

She sent the text and tried to hide the tears as Max came out. He heard her sniffing and knew she had been crying. "What's happened?"

Leigh looked at him. "You know what happened. You cheated on me."

It was lunchtime when Leigh got the reply from Lexi:

Outside. Got your test. Let's go into town and do it there - Lexi xx

Leigh grabbed her coat and bag. Max walked in. "Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting your sister for lunch. We're having a chat," she lied. She didn't want to tell him about possibly being pregnant until she had confirmation.

Leigh met with Lexi and they hugged. Lexi sighed. "I'm sorry for my pigheaded brother. He had a good thing with you and you didn't deserve it."

Leigh shrugged. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. At the end of the day, I'm the one who's heartbroken."

Lexi handed her the test. Leigh walked into the bathroom and sighed. How did she cope with the result?

Leigh came back and she had tears. Lexi smiled. "Let me guess positive?"

Leigh nodded and the tears poured down her cheeks. She tried to hide them as the waiter came over. She just ordered a salad as she didn't feel like eating.

Leigh went back to school and sighed. Max was waiting. "I didn't. Think I'd see you again today."

"It's my job. Of course I'm coming back. I only went for some lunch," Leigh mumbled as she sat back down. She had the test in her bag.

Leigh knew she had to tell Max. But how could she when she didn't trust him with her heart anymore? Did she even want to keep their baby?

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