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Max woke to his phone going off. He opened his eyes and saw a text from Leigh;

Fancy bringing me some bacon? - Leigh xx

Max ran his hands across his face and replied;

I can do better than that. I can pick you up and take you for some breakfast? - Max xx

He sent the text and climbed out of bed. He quickly got dressed and made some coffee. His phone went off signalling another text from Leigh;

You can pick me up.. but can we go for a McDonalds brekkie? Baby is craving a McMuffin - Leigh xx

Leigh was sitting with her mum when she heard a car horn. Claire rolled her eyes. "That Max?"

"Yep. He's taking me for breakfast. I'm just trying to make things easy for myself with the baby. I want us to co-parent together," she said.

Claire nodded. "Well if he breaks your heart again, his balls are going to be on my mantle place."

"Mum. Don't talk about Max's balls. I've had those in my mouth."


Max smiled as Leigh came out. She smiled. "We best hurry. They stop serving breakfast at 10:30."

"You have a smile on your face. Anything to tell?"

Leigh shrugged. "Me and my mum. We were talking about your balls and how I've had them in my mouth," she said as though it were obvious.

Max looked at her. "Nice to know."

Max sat in McDonalds with Leigh. He was only drinking coffee. Leigh smiled. "You don't have any complaints about me telling my mum I've had your balls in my mouth?" She asked.

Max laughed. "Nothing to even comment on. It's true."

"I bet your girlfriend can't do it like I do it."

Max sighed. "There is no girlfriend. I promise you. You're the only one I want."

Leigh smiled slightly. She sighed. "All I want is for us to be able to look after our baby together. He or she deserves only the best."

"I know. I promise. I'll be there every step of the way. But my mother has been in touch. She's invited you to a barbecue. Tonight."

"Let's go."

Max's mum got a shock when she saw Leigh standing with Max. She walked over to her. "Well? Are you two getting back together?" She asked.

"No Mrs Tyler. Max and I are being adult and keeping things simple for the baby," Leigh said. She smiled. "We're friends though. And we're both happy with that."

"Ah well. I'll be glad to have a little grand baby to spoil. Lexi doesn't seem too interested in having more babies."

"That's because Lexi doesn't need the stress of a baby at the moment mum. Be nice to me," Lexi said as she smiled. She hugged Leigh. "I've missed you."

"Missed you too babes."

Later on that day, Max took Leigh back to her mum's. He smiled. "thank you for today. It's been amazing."

"Yeah I guess so."

Max looked at Leigh and moved closer. Their lips soon met in a passionate kiss. Leigh pulled away. "We can't do this. We're friends and that's all we can be. You broke my heart."

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