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Leigh walked into work. She had her gender scan that day and she was excited. She knew she didn't care what the sex of her baby was. She just wanted a healthy baby.

Leigh looked up as Max walked over and smirked. "So. Today is the day. We find out if we're having a boy or a girl," he said.

Leigh nodded and smiled. "Yep. Are you still coming to the scan with me?" She asked.

"Try and stop me."

Leigh sat in the office and rubbed her bump. She wouldn't say anything but deep down, she wanted to have a little girl. She wanted to buy little hair bows and dresses.

Lexi walked in and smiled. "You have to tell me if I have a mini me on the way or a mini Max," she said.

Leigh laughed. "I like that. Mini Max. But just think, if it's a girl."

Lexi nodded. "I know. I can buy the cutest stuff for my little niece. Do you have any names?"

Leigh shook her head and sighed. "Nothing is coming to mind. I can't think of anything to name her," she told her best friend.

"It'll come to you."

"I'm hoping so."

Max left the office and saw Leigh eating some cookies. "Eating on the job? How cheeky."

Leigh laughed. "The baby wanted one. There's one for you if you want it?"

Max said nothing. Instead he sat on the desk and took the cookie. Leigh looked at him. She knew how much she wanted him back. She wanted the whole family. But she knew that nothing good came easy.

Max smirked and ate the cookie. He sighed. "What time is the scan?" He asked.

"2:30. But I'm leaving at 1:45. In case there's traffic," Leigh told him.

Max nodded and went back into the office. Leigh had the feeling he was being off with her. She didn't know what she had done for him to act like that with her.

Leigh made her way out to the car. She smiled when she saw Max. "Hey. You ready?" She asked.

Max nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Let's go. Are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm fine. I mean. Excited to see the baby again. You don't seem okay though. Is there a problem?"

Max shook his head. "No. No problem. Just haven't been sleeping so well lately. Maybe I'm missing you," he said.

Leigh laughed and nodded. "Maybe."

The two of them arrived at the hospital. Leigh smiled at Max. "Do we really wanna know? I mean if it's a boy or a girl?" She asked.

"It would be nice. That way we can buy a specific colour. Plus I'd like to know," Max said.

Leigh nodded and smiled. "Okay."

"Hello again Leigh. How are you?" The midwife asked as she set up ready for the scan.

Leigh smiled. "I'm okay thank you. Excited to see my little baby."

The midwife nodded and motioned for Leigh to climb onto the bed. She lifted her top and applied the gel. She began moving the Doppler around and soon enough a heartbeat could be heard through the room.

Max looked on with pride as his baby was on screen. The midwife smiled and looked at Leigh. "Everything looks as it should be. Baby is a little small but that should change. Would you like to know the sex?" She asked.

Both Max and Leigh nodded. The midwife moved the Doppler again and smiled. "It looks as though you're having a daughter."

Leigh felt tears hit her eyes. Max looked at her. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Leigh nodded. "We're having a baby girl."

Max kissed her hand and smiled. "Our baby girl."

Leigh looked at him and smiled. She wanted to give him a second chance. But could she find it in her heart to forgive him?

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