Chapter Four

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Danny looked at the charges these perps had had. He and Baez were able to identify three of them. His anger weld up inside of him as he read the collars. Rape, torture, sexual harassment... The detective hit his hand on his desk. "D@mn!"
Baez looked at Danny, not knowing what to say. "We'll find her, don't worry."
"But what state will she be in? These perps were charged with rape, torture, sexual harassment.... what will she look like when we find her? Huh?" He and Baez had been working the case for three long days. "It's been three days! Three days of soul-grating work, three sleepless nights, and three days telling my sons, 'Mom's visiting her sick sister. I don't know when she'll be back'. Do you know how hard it is, not knowing if your wife is seriously hurt, or being tortured, or even dead? Do you know how much that messes you up?!" Danny hit his right fist on the wall; he had been doing that for three days straight, and his knuckles were starting to break.
Baez had no answer for him.
"I don't know...."
"Well, now I do! And it's DESTROYING me! I can't take this anymore!"
"Oh-okay, Danny. You need a breather; get some water and some fresh air."
Danny nodded. "You're right..." the detective got some water and walked out of the precinct. He shivered as the cold New York wind blew against the building. Oh, Linda. Where are you?
Jamie sighed as he pulled up to the restaurant where he was meeting his sister for lunch. He just couldn't believe that his sister-in-law was captured. He knew Erin would want to talk about it.
"Hey, sis," Jamie sat down.
"Hi," Erin didn't smile like she normally did. She was pulling strings to help Danny find Linda.
"How's Danny?"
The A-DA looked at her brother. "About as well as you might expect."
"That bad, huh?"
"Jamie, he's been up for three days straight; he needs some sleep."
"I know. I tried telling him that, but he nearly bit my head off!"
"That's exactly why I didn't tell him..."
"This is gonna mess him up. Big time."
"Is going to? It's already messing him up! Jack and Sean have been staying with me and now they're going to Pops'."
"But if anybody can find Linda, it's Danny."
"Yes..." Erin answered almost as if what her younger brother had said was a bad thing.
"Is that a bad thing?"
She sighed. "Yes and no. Yes, because Danny's the best detective there is. He'll  do anything, anything, to lock up perps- even break the law a little. And that's what I'm concerned about...."

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