Chapter Six

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"Take one more step, and I'll-"
But Danny didn't let him finish. The detective shot the perp five times, Linda moving her head in cover. The perp's blood splattered a beaten up Linda. 
Danny wasted no time running to her side, unlocking all the handcuffs. He  threw the ropes aside as Linda collapsed in his arms. Danny hugged her, crying tears of joy, anger, and resentment, as they sunk to the floor. He was so glad his wife was alive, so mad at the perps for doing this to his Linda, and completely ready to lock up the SOBs. He kissed the top of her head and leaned her against the pole. "Here..." Danny began to take off his coat and tie, planning on giving his naked wife his shirt.
It took all of Linda's strength to sit up as Danny unbuttoned his shirt. With every breath, Linda was in pain; so much so, that she toppled over and onto the dirty floor.
"No, no, no, no, no! Linda!" Danny gently pulled her into his arms as he put his shirt on her. "Don't die on me!"
She barley muttered his name, as he picked her up bridal style.
Baez found them and gasped. "What— What happened?"
"Those b!tches beat her and tortured her and left her for dead. I want those b!tches  locked up, and locked up for good!" Danny walked out of the cabin. "You don't have enough time to wait for a bus; we'll have to take her to the hospital."
Baez, Danny, and Linda got in the car; Danny holding his wife in the back seat. They drove in silence to the hospital; the poker-faced detective praying for his wife to live.
Linda's right arm went limp and her head titled backwards as her eyes closed. Danny shook his head. "Stay with me, Linda! Don't die!" He begged. With tears threatening to fall, he whispered, "please, don't go...."
It took all of her strength to lift her head and look into her husband's hazel eyes. "I love you, Danny...." Linda's eyes closed and her head went limp.
Danny looked at his wife and shook his head. "I love you, too..." he whispered as he kept talking to her, making her stay awake.
"We're almost there- two more minutes." Baez told her partner.
You here that, babe? Two more minutes..." Danny squeezed her hand, continuing to pray. Please don't let her die.... I need her.
Nurses came running out of the hospital to help Linda. Danny ran after her until he was stopped by Baez and two nurses.
"No! You don't understand! That's my wife!" Danny was able to push past them, only to be stopped again. He punched the wall and sat down in the waiting room.
Baez had called the Reagans while she drove to the hospital. "Your family'll be here soon..." she told her devastated partner.
He nodded, not really sure of what she said. All he was thinking about was Linda, the love of his life. The very reason he loved coming home at night. She saw the good in every situation. Now his silver lining was lying in a hospital bed, not likely. His heart pounded and his palms were wet with sweat. Don't die, Danny kept praying. Please don't die...

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