Chapter Twelve

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"Take it easy, Detective." Erin warned after her brother's outburst. "I see that your hands are bandaged. Do you mind telling the court how you hurt your hands?"
Danny rubbed his eye. "I got angry when we didn't have any leads or nothin', so I hit a brick wall. There's also a hole in the bathroom wall at the precinct, a dent in the locker... and a hole in the commissioner's desk..."
Erin smiled a little. "Detective Reagan acted on instinct, and accordingly. Thank you, Detective." Erin turned to the jury. "The people call Linda Reagan to the stand."
Danny got down and Linda came up.
"Do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" The bailiff swore Linda in.
Linda nodded. "I do..."
"Mrs. Reagan, do you agree with Detective Reagan's statements?"
She nodded.
"And do you think he acted accordingly to the situation?"
"Would you have done something different?"
"Could you describe the perpetrators?"
"There were five of them..." Linda chewed her lip. "One was big and hairy, they called him Bear. One was fat an-" her voice cracked, and tears threatened to flow down her beaten up face.
"That's alright. Take your time."
"The fat one had a mus- a mus- mustache!" She sobbed, blushing through her tears.
"Objection! She's just crying to gain favor with the jury!" James, the defense attorney, argued.
"Am not!" Linda sobbed as Danny and Erin some what yelled, "is not!"
"Uh... your Honor, I request a recess so that the victim may regain her composure and nerve."
"Five-" Erin shook her head. "Ten-" Linda sobbed harder. "Fif-" Erin looked at the judge. "Till the prosecutor says the recess is over." He banged his gavel and everyone walked out except the Reagans.
Danny helped Linda down and hugged her gently. He wanted to squeeze her tight, but she didn't really want anybody touching her.
"Are you okay, Linda?" Erin wondered.
The blonde shook her head into her husband's chest. "I can't do this, Erin! I can't tell strangers how they- what they-" she sobbed harder.
"It's okay, babe." Danny lightly rubbed her back. "You'll be okay."
"No, I won't!" She was crying so hard, she started hyperventilating.
Danny helped her into the chair. "Just calm down; take deep, calming breaths." He was calming his wife, but also himself.
Linda took in shattering breath after shattering breath.
"I'll get you some water," Erin offered and quickly went to retrieve the water.
"I can't- can't do it, Da-Danny." Linda told him. "I- I can't t-tell to-total strangers wha- What they did."
"Yes, you can. I know you can," he reassured her.
"No, I can't. If I can't even tell you," Linda sniffled. "You who I can tell anything to, how- how can I tell them?"
Erin handed Danny the water and he handed it to his wife.
"You can do this, babe. I just know you can. If you don't, they'll just do it again."
"I don't want that..." she sniffed and took a calming sip of the cold water.
"No. That'd be bad. That's why we need you to tell the jury. You'll be the one who nails the final nail in their coffin."
After a few more sips, the nervous blonde nodded. "I'll do it. No one, no matter how icky a person they are, should ever have to go through what I went through." Linda took one more calming sip. "I'm ready."
"You're sure?" Erin wanted to be absolutely positive.
"Yes. Bring 'em in before I changed my mind."

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