Chapter 1- Rhythm Of Wind

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The moment of my life was here.

A strong surge of emotion gripped me as I beheld the sleek, modern building which seemed to dominate everything in front—the Edenbrook, one of the most prestigious hospitals in US.

It was an admirable structure which almost touched the great spread of ever-blue sky and was enhanced by dazzling morning-gold beams that attuned for a new inception. Alluring even more was its resplendent and astute logo, designed of fire-twined crest surrounding an unmistakable caduceus in foreground of a symbolic sun of my faithful deity, Apollo.

Unlike the surging acquainted crowd, my gaze failed to waver from it. Edenbrook had selected me amongst many brilliant minds to set track for my career. To be a part of something greater. This was going to be my home.

And perhaps this was where I'd make my destiny.

Such thoughts kick-started an internal world war with millions of angry butterflies fluttering against my stomach. First day jitters were expected but I needed a firm control over it because Edenbrook was also one of the most competitive divisions in East Coast. Medical professionals had seen the peak of their careers and dead end as well, and I preferred to not wind up on latter—not after enduring a harried stream of education to reach here.

Paying the waiting taxi, I proceeded inside, dressed in regular blue scrubs. My aunt had advised to carry a pair of changeable clothes shall things ever hightailed here. She was being fussy. Surely nothing could foray me on first day! And even though the scrubs were not the most fashionable outfit, it did make me proud to mark this as beginning of my residency.

The path towards the entrance was long and busy. Nurses carried patients in gurneys while few senior doctors scrutinized on approaching interns. They appeared rather relaxed, donned in white coats. We're allowed to not opt for scrubs but I knew everyone was going to show up in blue and if I instead favored for à-la-mode, it'd make me stand out. And that attention was distressing.

And since I never had any experience in employment sector, my mind procrastinated for the worst.

What if this turns out to be an avalanche waiting to befall? What if they ask too many questions about my family...what will I answer then? And father? If they find out I've been still protecting him with my cowardice...

My throat went dry as a desert at those negative thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking about my family, especially not father—especially not now. He was in far west, in Turner Memorial— trying to do whatever multi-millionaire surgeons did in their flagship hospitals. This was my day...I couldn't let him obscure my caliber. Or think about mom and her eternal disapproving face crafted for me.

A pair of nurses stood near the entrance with pasted smiles as if nervy interns weren't a novel scene for them. They detected my lagging figure and one of them, a female in her thirties beamed at me and waved. "Hello, doctor. You must one of our newest batches!"

"I am...uh, nice to meet you both." I said, noting the quaver in my voice. To distract myself, I studied both of their names on IDs. The female was Nurse Sarah and the male was Danny, both seasoned enough to etch that soft-pedal expression.

Nurse Sarah motioned me to step before her. "It's the new session for all departments and as you can see, the influx of interns is rather high. We can't allow everyone to roam confused or jam the atrium hence we're going to check your docs here, and take biometric which will be installed to system." she cocked her head. "You'll have to provide it again of course after orientation to receive your widgets."

I blinked at her blankly. This was...happening, wasn't it?

My mind retorted at once. Well, you did graduate from med school, so that makes you a doctor. Now beat it!

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