Chapter 56- Fluctuat nec mergitur

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I watched the sunrise from the window, the sunrise of a new day and perhaps for the last day of my career if everything never sat in motion.

I had slept. No matter how sleepless and restless I was, no matter how much I wanted to throw up and drink cola cans, I slept. I forced myself to take profanol. I forced myself to take it so that I could sleep.

Because I needed to.

Or else I wouldn't had survived the night like that, with the nervousness now brimming inside every cell of my body.

I pushed the covers and took my time in the bathroom. I was worried about Dr. Banerji, I was worried about Ethan and I was worried what Declan was going to throw over me in the hearing. The hearing.

The hearing was today.

In four hours.

One hour already gone and now remained three. Three dreadful hours till my fate was decided. But I would not give up. I had promised not to. And I will not.

There was a knock on my door and I opened it to find my roommates and Bryce standing outside, their faces beaming and merry. I stepped aside to let them inside the room. For a moment, we all looked at each other, none of us daring to speak a single word.

Until Jackie broke it, "This wasn't how it would begin. C'mon. We've got your back Charlotte."

I shook my head, "I have never doubted that guys."

"Everything is gonna be alright." Elijah wheeled forward, cuddling a sleeping Andi on his arms.

Sienna asked, "How is Dr. Banerji?"

I quickly explained them all about the situation and the current progress I last saw, dutifully also informing Landry's involvement and help. Bryce rubbed his head, "So...all we could hope is that Dr. Banerji makes it."

I weakly nodded.

And then I looked up. To each of them, each one of their faces and their minds. Each of the pieces which had made my life. Each of them who still stood with me, defending the very concrete pillar what we worked for.

My friends were not the perfect, or the neat or the high kind... my friends were those with enough love in their hearts to fight for and defend what was right and good. So come with those frayed edges and scratches, because what counted still held a steady rhythm within.

I saw the beautiful face and soft brown hair of Sienna whipping across her contours with the wind. The long black hair of Jackie, still tied furiously. To Bryce's handsome and linebacker structure and to Elijah's strong will which never faltered.

They were the ones who had helped me with the purpose and they were the ones who would still help me today in the hearing. Not by my side, but because of their own decision. Because of their own belief in themselves and me and our friendship.

I took a deep breath, taking the power of the bond to suppress the nerves for a moment and said,

"Again. I don't care what goes in there except for the WWIII in my stomach. I know what happens next will lead to drastic consequences, one way or other. But we can't change it because the future is always a mystery and in order to conquer it, we need to blend ourselves in it." I met Jackie's eyes, "But this? This is present. It's a gift, it's a gift we have, our moment, our time where nobody could bother us. Only us, from the first day we met each other at the hospital, running without clothes," Bryce and Jackie chuckled, "Finding lost paths and cures." Elijah smiled, "And saving me from the wrath of the attending." Sienna beamed.

I continued, "It had to come, one way or other and even the worst case I don't work there anymore, you guys are going to be with me, in my heart forever because from you all, I learnt the true meaning of friendship. I learnt that what being a true and loyal friend means. I have the trust in you and faith. And no matter of the odds, I am gonna be with you all. And so I thank the universe and every star above that we have made our way together, that our life paths are woven so intricately."

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