Chapter 14- This Bass is not the Beginning

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When I used the back exit of Southern Wing, I constantly feared that any moment Dr. Mirani or Dr. Ramsey would come out and find me lurking in this place. Therefore, I kept my painful self near to dark walls and scurried out from a screeching huge door—finally into open space of world. Since I never showed up at Edenbrook's purlieu, I expected this region to be a breeding weedland, unmaintained and ignored. But instead, this was rather barren patch of land which showed plenty of activity unlike the deserted wing. Fresh tyre tracks covered in all directions, rounding the corner. I found a significant number of cargo trucks and tankers parked here, no people though and therefore, figured the picture.

Somewhere over the fencing which bisected out of nowhere was the entrance for Edenbrook's research and development section. While they were located at extremities of height, there were separated ramps and elevators which reached directly. To avoid trafficking, the elevators took us doctors only to tenth floor while people for R&D used others from here. They even had separate parking. They have everything parted from hospital. And except for the first day when I had the fortune to engage in a near-collision with R&D Chief, I have yet to meet any researchers. I was sure they worked viciously with Diagnostics Department though.

"I should've gone for biomed." I hurled to the sky, "At least I wouldn't be inviting horde of hyenas at my door."

To further support my cause, my stomach sent a jarring jolt of pain and I almost doubled over, coughing. Uh, Apollo...what was broken now?

I limped all the way across that quashed land, observing that there used to be a basketball court here. There was substantial amount of trees planted which made this side to resemble Edenbrook's backyard. The paths were uneven, forgotten and never used. To my left, was an extension of grass all the way to a boundary which announced for the plot of Edenbrook. My god, this land was really big and a significant part was left empty. Perhaps the founder wanted to build more buildings in near future because surely a dozen more medium sized hospitals could easily fit within encircling land.

It was a strange that nobody has ever heard from the founder, Alexander Biederman for years. There have been theories that he worked for government now but nobody knew what his actual profession was. He claimed himself as a businessman during early public meetings but soon, his viewship declined until from past ten years, he has disappeared completely. Many also claimed that he was hiding due to his involvement with syndicates. I wondered who the actual highest authority for this hospital was now since Chief Emery might be hospital's head but she has no control over R&D.

I tried my best to not think about Aurora and what she did but the more effort I put upon to push it back, the more it flashed in my eyes. I was half-glad that my consciousness pulled me to darkness while they were beating me because looking at that maniac-satisfaction on Aurora Emery's face would be the worst agony. I didn't want her left satisfied after this. I cursed her of eternal pain, of eternal memory of what she did to me to always remain hovering on her shoulders until the end of her breath. I wanted that and much more—she had it coming, I told myself to be sure but if only that could lull my pain somehow.

I can't believe it happened to me...again. After so many years.

What did you except? Everyone in the world to treat you as a porcelain feather?

I glared at my mind's reply. Of course, I should've added being bullied and beaten to organ-bursting pain in my list of life's achievements, shouldn't I?

Look, world's a sad place. And something bad is going to happen to you. They will keep happening and you just have to live with it.

Easy for you to say, hare-brained. You feel nothing. I shot back.

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