Chapter 52- The Awakening

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The street had become familiar to me.

And the sky above was clear, no signs of the rain, not even the earthy smell. It felt as if the morning shower today was the final for the season before the winter arrived. The fall made to its end, so quick even in matter of weeks. Nature had its way always, no doubt managing to curate the curiosity of humans.

Till now, Boston had not felt like home to me. But on the other hand, no place had ever felt like home before. My stay with Mia was close enough but I wasn't her burden to bear. She loved me with dear heart and so did I. But she had her own life, her own time to find love and happiness.

It was almost 10 pm when I reached the familiar apartment complex. I never had a total view of it, but from distance it looked like a gigantic black monolith, only the lights from the windows indicating that it wasn't made up of stone. It looked beautiful, because black wasn't just beauty, it was divine to me.

I made my way to the elevator, pausing before stepping in.

Any other place, any other elevator and I would never go. But this?

This felt safe.

I reached in front of Ethan's apartment and rang the bell.

One minute later and with no answer, I again rang the bell.

No answer.

I frowned and rang it again and waited. For three more minutes. I scowled, "If you don't open this door within the next ten seconds, then I am gonna bring C-4 from somewhere and make sure that for the next days you spent in hotels."

It took him fifteen seconds to open.

He returned my scowl, "Such patience, Rookie. I was upstairs."

He gave me the space to walk inside and I did. The door closed with a soft click of the locks. And then I turned around. He was frowning at me.

"What?" I asked.

He raised his brows at my outfit, "Did you join a cult?"

I rubbed my head in disbelief. Bryce said I looked good, Jackie and Sienna whistled at my appearance. Elijah personally chose this and even the senior attendings approved of this. But Ethan? Well, impressing Ethan would take a trip to mars.

"I went to King Charles club.... Golfing." I answered as I made my way towards the couch. With a sigh, I plopped down. I turned my eyes to him.

No matter how many times I saw him, he still took my breath away. He was wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt, seeing him for the first time in that and track pants. It wasn't until his flushed face and damp appearance, I realised what he was doing upstairs.

"Were you working out? Or like showering after working out?" I nodded at his drenched body. Jesus-Apollo, the shirt clang to his body like second skin, taking the structure of my imagination to pure reality. Beads of water droplets still remained on his wet hair, perhaps he was in shower when I had arrived. His shoulders, such strong, framed his muscles. I noticed his arms, corded with veins. Doctors rarely had great figure and doctors almost never had the figure of Ethan Ramsey. They shouldn't.

He cleared his throat, smirking, "Done with your inspection?"

I blushed and looked away, totally caught staring at him. Perhaps even mentally making out. Ever since he and I. Well, whatever he and I were happened, my mind had simultaneously wandered in the directions of highland heroes. How they loved, how they work, how they made.....


Stop. Charlotte. Important talks first.

"They suspended me." I revealed. Every time that 's' word came to my mind, it saddened deeply. It kept reminding me the day I had first stepped into the hospital, bearing the I.D which was no longer with me. My hand absently tailed to the spot of my chest where I used to pin it. It felt hollow and empty.

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