Chapter 60- This calls for-ever

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The cheering was deafening as I arrived at Donohue's.

It was packed, end to end with doctors, nurses, patients and...wait..was that Farley?!

Yup. It was him in the distance, engaged in a conversation with a bored Sienna. As I walked through the way, everyone began applauding. I smiled at them, taking the comfort that we were alright, we were still in the game and Edenbrook still stood for us.

Several interns patted my back and shook my hands, even the ones who hated me. Tonight, we were all smiles and grins. Tomorrow, we would be back to whatever we were.

At least, tonight was a present.

I wasn't very regular to Donohue and my visits here could be numbered before 10. There were hundreds of people scattered across the floor, all the seating were full as if whole Edenbrook had barged inside here. Scanning my gaze, I found a large number of attendings including Dr. Loyoza present. The dance floor blazed with multicolour floor lights while the disco above flashed into the bodies below it.

I had to push and smile my way towards where Sienna and now Jackie were sitting in front of the bar, perched on top of the bar stools. Fortunately, Farley was out of picture at that moment. They found me walking towards them and grinned,

"Where were you!" Sienna pulled me into a hug and placed me in between them. I waved a greeting to Reggie and Safira, the new bartender.

I face Sienna, "Huh. Momma dearest wanted to see me."

"This year was insane. I mean like whole new level of insanity. Fire problems, fellowship, triages, secret trips, unauthorized trials...uh! How are we going to do two more years of it?!"

Jackie drank what looked like brandy, "And with both Ramsey and Banerji coming back, there's still no spot of the diagnostic team. We're back to square one."

"We are." I agreed. But the sentence generated a string of momentary thoughts. Ethan was coming back....he was back being my boss. 

Would that change things?

I could never live with myself if it changed things between us because after what we both have been through...from the first day till date, I couldn't just live with that.

Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colourful. Few people waved at me to join them and I made a motion for them to wait up. Just I was about to cross my legs, something soft brushed against my leg.

"Oh crap! Don't let the bartender see them! I don't think they are allowed here!" Sienna gasped.

I frowned, "What all—ah!"

I looked down on the floor to see Mitch and Ivanna scurrying under my stool! Mitch looked at the display and let out a nose diving gesture, perhaps the blue lights were making him feel the ocean. Before Ivanna could move away, because she was as swift as a fennec fox, I picked her up. She made a protesting whine but I kept my hold on her. Jackie managed to grab Mitch before an attending could step on him.

Ivanna wagged her tongue near my ear. I smiled at her and then surveyed for the third busybody, "Hey, where's Andi?"

"Oh no!" Sienna yelped and jumped out of her stool.

In the scheme and Darwin's natural selection or say survival of the fittest, Andi was the odd ball around. She had made her way to a nearby table of attendings who were gaping at her like she was a blob monster. The nearest glass of tequila was the focus of her attention and I watched in horror as well as in slow motion as Andi sniffed it and started lapping it around. Sienna's dash reached a bit later.

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