Chapter 1 Gorgeous specimen

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Have you ever loved someone so much that it physically hurts? That you cry yourself to sleep every night hoping that the person would notice you? That you try everything to just have a conversation with that person for once ? That you just want to die whenever you see that person with someone else? Well I've felt all of that and so much more. It's that type of love that you just can't seem to get rid of. It's that love that breaks you.


The sun is shining bright this morning. Is it because maybe this year would be different? Or is it because maybe the world is Ending like I hoped.

I rubbed my eyes for a few seconds for it to adjust to the morning light. I got out of bed cleared up my room before I hopped into the shower.

Once I was done I wrapped a towel around me and walked up to my closet. Honestly, maybe I should dress happier for once ? Maybe I should stop dressing like a depressed old lady.

I took out a pair of black jeans and a white crop top with my black boots and black leather jacket. I decided to curl my long brown hair and put on some light make up.

Once I was done I walked downstairs with my things and took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Morning kiddo , you look beautiful today." My Dad says placing pancakes infront of me and then the syrup.

"Morning Dad and thank you. I decided to not dress like a hobo anymore." I said as he chuckles.

"Well that's great sweetheart! I'm taking you shopping once you get home  from school then!" My mom shouts as she places a kiss on my cheek. She's always loved going shopping but unfortunately I didn't but oh what the heck ,it's time to make a change. New year , new me right?

"I'd love to." I say as I place my empty plate in the dishwasher and place a kiss on both my parents cheeks.

"I have to leave now, I'll see you after school." I say before rushing out the door.

I begin walking to my school. It was about a 15 minute walk away. I honestly hate walking! What is even the point of exercise! It's so painful. My Jeep will only be delivered tomorrow from the repairs shop. I would ask my parents to drop me off at school but they drive the other way to work. They both work at the hospital. My mom being a nurse and my dad being a doctor. That's a couple made up in heaven I tell you.

After a few long minutes that I really did not miss , I finally made it to my horrible school that I can't wait to graduate from.

I walk through the school doors and find my way to my locker. What I am completely grateful for is that my best friend's locker is right next to mine. Thank Goodness for that.

I opened my locker and took out the books I needed for today and may I add that I hate school? Reason number one would be none other than the boy walking down the hall with some red headed hoe in his arms. May I introduce you to none other than my crush since forever... Connor White.

I watch as he walks through the hallway as girls begin gushing over him and giving the hoe some glares.
I decide not to be a stalker any longer and begin to take my phone out of my bag and message my best friend.

Hey , where are you?I'm at our lockers! -Kay

I'm on my way! I had to release all the coffee I had this morning! See you in 2 minutes! - Liz

Knowing Lizzie she'd probably only show up in 10 minutes so I began playing a game on my phone. Suddenly I began hearing people cheering. I looked to my right and there were a whole bunch of people crowded around something which I assume is a fight. They were encouraging the fight and honestly I hate it when people encourage people to get hurt.

I hate drama so I'll just walk the other way to class instead.

I'm heading to class. There was some fight and you know I hate fights. I'll see u in Lit. -Kay

I know! I saw everything! I'll tell you about it in Lit if Mr Smith disappears for his smoke break. -Liz

Okay , I'll see you in a few - Kay

I place my phone back into my bag and make my way to my first class which is none other than my favourite class... Lit!

I've always been into reading. Especially romance novels.

I take a seat at the back ,where I normally sit and began waiting for my best friend. After a few minutes she finally ascends and ran towards me with her heavy breathing.

"Woah. Calm down. Breathe in... And out... In... And out." I say trying to calm her breathing down. "You okay?" I ask because she looks so excited and out of breathe at the same time.

"No time for breathing!" She says placing her bag down and taking a seat next to me. Then she turns to her right and faces me looking into my eyes  with her seriousness.

"Okay... Are you gonna spill the beans or what?" I ask.

"Okay so I finally left the facilities to relief myself and I decided to take my time. When suddenly I see Justin from the football team all up in Connor's face. At first I thought it was just normal lacrosse and football drama as always but then I heard Connor say and I quote "Stay away from her!" And then Justin said and I quote "What are you going to do if I don't?" And that's when Connor punched him and they were about to kill eachother when Mr Benson broke them apart and took them both to the office. The best part is that Connor looked even more sexier with blood on his face!" She explained what happened and I couldn't help but wish that I was that girl he fought over but instead I bet he doesn't even know my name.

I knew Connor since the 5th grade when he transferred to my school. He became popular immediately and I had a crush on him ever since but he never noticed me. No one knows about my crush on him. Not even Liz who has been my best friend since kindergarten. I was just really that good at hiding my feelings.

I snapped out of my trance and didn't know what to say about it all.

"I wonder who the girl is that they were fighting over." Liz wondered. I wondered too. I wish I was closer to him or for once I wish he would notice me.

"Kay?!" Liz shouts making me snap out of my thoughts.


"You seem off today, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's a new year. Do you wanna come shopping with my mom and I after school?" I ask hoping she'd join.

"I'd love to! And by the way , you look extra stunning today."

"Thank you , I have decided to step out of my shell and not be a hobo any longer."

"I'm so proud of you Kay!" She says hugging me and once she let go Mr Smith came walking in the classroom with Connor right behind him. Oh did I forget to mention that my crush is in several of my classes? Well he is and he looks smoking hot with the bruises on his face. Completed with his bad boy look which is a black jeans , black v neck top and a black leather jacket. Oh my Gosh! We are matching!

Okay calm down Kay, it's completely normal. I glance around the classroom and realize that there was only one seat open in the entire class and it happened to be right Infront of me. How am I suppose to concentrate with that gorgeous specimen infront of me. Goddd!!!why do u hate me so much?!

Connor glances over to his seat and walks towards it. I didn't want him to think that I was stalking so I just began reading one of my books. I am so glad Mr Smith didn't do any work today because it was our first day back to school. If he did do work then i wouldnt be able to concentrate in class. Let's hope Connor can find a new seat by tomorrow.

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