Chapter 3 Is that the best you can do, player?!

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"Kaylee! Our guests are arriving any minute now for dinner! Are you ready?!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Just going to apply some make up Mom!" I yelled back. I don't normally wear makeup but after crying for hours, I really needed to hide the paleness and the bags under my eyes. I apply some concealer and other random shit.

Oh how I wish make-up could make my heart look better too. I'm sure it's shattered right now. I should probably get some glue to fix it. Oh, who am I kidding !? I need freaking stronger things to fix my heart that Connor broke even more today. How can someone be so cold hearted ?

I walk downstairs in my blue sundress and white sandles. As soon as I ascend the stairs, the door bell rings and I walk right towards it. I open the door to a couple. My parents invited their colleagues and their son over for dinner.

"Hi , come on in." I say as I step aside for them to enter.

"You must be Kaylee. I'm Emma and this is my husband Edward." The woman says.

"Nice to meet you Emma and Edward. My mom and dad are in the kitchen, let me just get them" I say walking towards the kitchen.

"Mom, Dad? They're here." I say as they follow me towards the door. Once I walk over, I notice someone who I didn't expect to see right now, standing with who I assume is his parents Emma and Edward. None other than the person I've liked for years... Well not him but his best friend since the fifth grade... Tyler Michaels.

Great. Just great. Can this day possibly get any worse?! Shit! Why did I jinx it!?

"Emma, Edward! Thanks for joining us tonight." My mom says hugging Emma and my dad shaking Edward's hand.
I stare at Tyler as he just stands behind his parents looking at his feet.

"No, thank you for inviting us into your lovely home." She says looking around. "Oh yes, where are my manners!? Anne, Mark (my parents) and Kaylee. This is our son, Tyler." Emma says pulling Tyler Infront of them.

"Hi, nice to meet you." He says shaking my dad's hand and hugging my mom.

"Kaylee." He nods towards me. Causing my parents to look at us. Oh, I just realized that my parents, Tyler's and Connor's all are friends. Great. Just. Great.

"Do you know eachother?" Emma asks.

"We go to the same school and share a few classes." I say trying to not look at the best friend of my mean crush. God! Why do I like such a meanie, egotistic player?!

"Yeah." Tyler says.

"Well that's great ! Now you two can become friends because there will be many more dinners and get togethers. You two will be seeing eachother a lot more." My mom says in excitement. Great. Just. Fucking. Fantastic! Note the sarcasm.

"Let's go to the kitchen. Kaylee and Tyler, you two can sit in the living room while we wait for dinner."My dad says. Great! Hurray! Ignore my sarcasm.

"This way." I say to Tyler walking towards the living room. I sit on the couch and start changing the channels to something more fun to watch. I landed on the big bang theory. Oh how smart and hilarious Sheldon Cooper is.

"Have you been crying?" Tyler asks. For a second I wasn't sure if he was speaking to me or not but then I looked at him and he was looking right in my eyes with his intense stare.

"No." I lie. I'm actually a very good liar and can hide emotions very well.

"Your eyes are blood shot red." He says still staring at me. Oh fuck no.

"No it's not." I lie.

"Yes it is."



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