Chapter 10 you'd make a beautiful drag queen

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Beep beep beep.

What the hell is that annoying sound ?

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar sight. Where am I? I look around and see a whole bunch of monitors. Am I in the hospital? What happened?

"Oh thank goodness! Honey! She is awake!" I look towards the door where my mom is standing with tears in her eyes. Why do I feel like she is about to crush me with a hug.

Why did I just jinx it?

She runs towards me and hugs me.

"Owe." That hurts.

"Oh sorry." My mom says standing up straight.

"Hey hun. How you feeling?" My dad asks from behind my mom.

"Sore. What happened?"

"Honey... One of your lungs were failing. Connor rushed you to the hospital and on the way, you guys were in a car accident."

Oh my god! Is he alive?!

"Is he okay?"

"He is okay. He is next door."

Thank goodness.

"But honey, there is something you have to know."

"When you guys were rushed here... You were in bad condition and you needed an immediate lung transplant or else you would've died."

"How am I alive?" I ask. I'm so confused right now.

"You and Connor had the same blood type." Wait... Did he? Oh my god!

"Did he give me his lung?" I ask.

"He did." My dad replied.

That's so sweet but I don't want to owe him.

Suddenly the doctor entered.

"So our patient is awake? I'm doctor Hathaway. Are you aware of your circumstances?"

"Yes I am."

"Good. You have been unconscious for a week now and you can be discharged in 2 days but take it easy because you have stitches. Don't do any heavy lifting or hardcore exercises. Be back here in a month's time to take your stitches out and take your pills 3 times a day. Take care of your new lung." Doctor Hathaway says.

"Thank you." I say as she leaves.

"Let me just get someone for you." My mom says.

She comes back a few seconds later with Tyler who had dark bags under his eyes. He probably didn't get much sleep.

"Hey Ty." I say.

He hugs me.

"I'm so glad you alive, I just got you as a friend... I didn't wanna lose you so soon." He says. This is so sweet and emotional. Don't cry Kay.

"I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with my crazy annoying ass." I say as I stick my tongue out to him.

"Don't ever scare me like that."

"I'll try not to." I wink. "So what do I do for these two days in hospital?

"Sleep." Ty says.

"Sounds wonderful, can I start now?"

"You just woke up from a week of sleeping and now you want to go back. Are you insane?"

"No... I'm Kaylee and sleep seems better right now."

"Oh so spending time with me isn't fun to you? I see how it is Kay." He pulls a puppy face. Awww.

"Yes sleep is more important."

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